22 Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms for Your Home and Garden

Want to add a cheery touch to your monotonous garden? These Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms will do just that!

If you want to spruce up your garden with some colorful, showy specimens, these Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms will perfectly fit your bill. With a wide range of colors and versatility, they look beautiful both as an indoor specimen or an outdoor addition—depending on their requirements.

Look at some Stunning Yellow Orchids here

Pom Pom Flowers for Home— Indoor Flowers

These Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms are perfect to dwell on your coffee table or right beside your favorite books on the shelf. However, do take care of the plant’s growing requirements and expose them to ample sunlight to enjoy the best blooms.

1. Chrysanthemum22 Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms for Your Home and Garden 1

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum morifolium

Popular as Mums, Chrysanthemums showcase dense, round blooms with numerous overlapping petals. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white, making them a versatile and eye-catching choice for gardens or indoor displays.

Find the Most Colorful Mums here

2. African Violet


Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

These charming, compact plants feature fuzzy leaves and clusters of small Flowers That Look Like Pom Poms. The blossoms come in a range of colors, including shades of purple, pink, and white, often with intricate patterns that exhibit prominent shades under bright indirect light.

3. Ageratum

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Botanical Name: Ageratum houstonianum

Agertum produces fluffy, round clusters of small flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white. These plants add a sophisticated touch to the space with their soft, fuzzy Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms.

4. Celosia


Botanical Name: Celosia argentea

The ‘Cristata’ variety, also known as Cockscomb, boasts unique, crested flowers with numerous wavy folds, giving them a pom-pom-like appearance. The flowers come in vibrant colors such as red, yellow, orange, and pink that thrive indoors under bright, indirect sunlight.

Look at some Stunning White Geraniums here

5. Double Impatiens

National Garden Bureau

Botanical Name: Impatiens hawkeri

Double impatiens produce lush, rounded blooms with multiple layers of petals that appear similar to small pom-poms. These delicate blooms come in shades of white, pink, red, and purple and make for attractive Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms.

6. Ranunculus

22 Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms for Your Home and Garden 4Botanical Name: Ranunculus asiaticus

Persian Buttercups boast layers of delicate, rounded petals that give the flowers a full, pom-pom-like appearance. Their vibrant blooms come in a range of colors, including red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white, and can be grown in containers with well-draining soil and bright, indirect light.

7. Cyclamen


Botanical Name: Cyclamen persicum

Cyclamen’s uniquely shaped flowers feature upswept petals that create a rounded, pom-pom-like effect from certain angles. The blooms come in shades of pink, red, purple, and white, often with intricate patterns on the petals.

8. Guzmania

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Botanical Name: Guzmania spp.

Certain Guzmania bromeliads showcase dense clusters of small, tubular flowers in red, orange, or yellow, contrasting beautifully with their dark green foliage. They can be grown indoors with bright, indirect light and high humidity, making them a striking addition to any indoor space.

Look at some Gorgeous Orange Flowering Succulents here

Pom Pom Flowers for Garden and Yard —Outdoor Flowers:

These outdoor Flowers That Look Like Pom Poms will add a playful and unique touch to your garden or landscape. Ensure to provide the plants with ample direct sunlight and suitable growing condition to enjoy the best blooms!

9. Dahlia


Botanical Name: Dahlia pinnata

Dahlias are prized for their striking, intricate blooms that feature multiple layers of petals, which can be straight or slightly curled, creating a full, spherical appearance. Dahlias come in red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and white, which adds a bold, dramatic touch to gardens and landscapes.

Find the Most Attractive Flowering Bonsai here

10. Marigold

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Botanical Name: Tagetes

Marigolds are cherished for their vibrant, pom-pom-like blooms that come in shades of yellow, orange, and red. The double-flowered varieties have densely packed petals, giving the flowers a full, rounded appearance like Pom Pom Flowers. These cheerful blossoms also act as natural pest deterrents, making them a popular choice for companion planting.

11. Globe Amaranth


Botanical Name: Gomphrena globosa

Globe amaranths are characterized by their small, globe-shaped flower heads, which create a pom-pom-like effect. The individual flowers are clover-like and come in shades of purple, pink, and white that add a playful, textural element to gardens, borders, and containers.

12. Allium

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Botanical Name: Allium giganteum

Alliums, popular as ornamental onions, produce striking, spherical flower heads composed of numerous tiny, star-shaped blooms that come in shades of purple, blue, pink, and white. When in bloom, alliums add an architectural and sculptural element to gardens, creating a stunning visual impact.

Look at some Stunning Yellow Flowering Houseplants here

13. Buttonbush


Botanical Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis

Buttonbush is a deciduous shrub that boasts fragrant, round clusters of Flowers That Look Like Pom-Poms. These flower heads are made up of numerous tiny, tubular flowers that attract butterflies and other pollinators.

14. Billy Buttons22 Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms for Your Home and Garden 7

Botanical Name: Craspedia globosa

Billy buttons, also known as drumstick flowers or woolly heads, produce unique, spherical, golden-yellow blooms atop slender stems. Each flower head is composed of tiny, tightly-packed flowers, creating a pom-pom-like appearance.

15. Hydrangea

Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

These showy shrubs produce large, rounded clusters of flowers called “mopheads,” creating an impressive pom-pom effect. The individual blooms are small and usually four-petaled, in shades of blue, pink, purple, white, or bicolor, depending on the soil’s acidity.

16. Peony22 Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms for Your Home and Garden 8

Botanical Name: Paeonia

Double or bomb-type peonies boast densely packed layers of ruffled petals that come in a wide range of colors, including white, cream, pink, red, and even yellow. The large, fragrant blossoms are a beautiful focal point in any garden setting.

17. Balloon Flower


Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

Before the star-shaped flowers open, the buds of balloon flowers have a unique, inflated appearance resembling small pom-poms. These flowers typically come in shades of blue, purple, pink, and white that add a whimsical touch to garden beds and borders.

Are Blue Orchids Real? Learn here

18. Double-flowering Cherry

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Botanical Name: Prunus serrulata

Some varieties of flowering cherry trees, such as ‘Kanzan’ and ‘Shogetsu,’ produce double blossoms with numerous petals, making for beautiful Flowers That Look Like Pom Poms. The flowers typically come in pink or white and often exude a light, pleasant fragrance.

19. Lantana

Botanical Name: Lantana camara

Lantana’s small, tubular flowers form rounded clusters that create a dense, pom-pom-like effect. The plant blooms in red, orange, yellow, pink, and white, often with multiple colors within a single cluster. These Pom Pom Flowers are best for attracting butterflies and other pollinators to the garden.

Find the Best Red Flowering Succulents here

20. Ixora

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Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

Ixora features small, tubular flowers that form tight, rounded clusters, giving them a pom-pom-like appearance. These flowers come in vivid shades of red, orange, yellow, and pink, making them a striking addition to any garden or landscape.

21. Double-flowering Camellia


Botanical Name: Camellia japonica

Double-flowering camellias produce abundant layers of petals, creating a dense, pom-pom-like effect that comes in a range of colors, including white, pink, and red, often with intricate patterns and combinations. The Pom Pom Flowers bloom from late winter to early spring.

22. Double-flowering Hellebore

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Botanical Name: Helleborus spp.

Double-flowering hellebore varieties boast multiple layers of petals that come in an array of colors, such as white, green, pink, purple, and even near-black. Their nodding Flowers That Look Like Pom Poms add an enchanting touch to gardens during late winter and early spring.

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