20 Attractive Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees

These miniature trees will turn your home into a blooming wonderland. Pick your favorite from the Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees!

Bonsai trees are miniature trees or shrubs that can fit in small spaces and create an eye-catching display with their unique growth structure. And what can be more beautiful than these miniature trees blooming with pretty flowers? Here are the Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees to choose from!

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Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees

Albeit these pretty specimens are noted for their floral traits, you got to expose the plants to a good amount of sunlight and favorable conditions to help them bloom!

1. Desert Rose

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Botanical Name: Adenium obesum

Prized for its attractive flowers, this succulent is native to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and is known for its distinctive swollen trunk. Its showy flowers bloom in various colors, including pink, red, and white.

2. Azalea

Botanical Name: Rhododendron

Azalea is a flowering shrub popular for its beautiful and vibrant flowers that come in pink, red, white, and purple. The small leaves covered with subtle blooms will fill your home with beautiful floral energy.

3. Snow Rose

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Botanical Name: Serissa foetida

It is an evergreen shrub native to Asia that is commonly displayed as bonsai due to its delicate beauty and small, compact size. It has delicate leaves and white, star-shaped flowers that bloom in clusters throughout the year.

4. Wisteria

Botanical Name: Wisteria sinensis

Native to China, this bonsai is loved for the fragrant flowers that make it one of the Best Flowering Bonsai Trees. Its cascading branches and blooms of blue, purple, pink, and white hues make it a favorite among gardeners.

5. Lilac

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Botanical Name: Syringa vulgaris

Lilac is native to Europe and Asia and is loved for its beautiful and fragrant flowers. Lilac bonsai blooms cluster of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers.

6. Lavender


Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender is an eye-catching bonsai with delicate and fragrant flowers. This bonsai has aromatic leaves and spikes of fragrant purple flowers that bloom in the summer.

7. Bougainvillea

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Botanical Name: Bougainvillea spp.

This flowering vine is loved for its bright and showy bracts. Bougainvillea bonsai has brightly colored bracts in shades of pink, red, orange, purple, and yellow that thrive well in bright, direct light and warm temperatures.

8. Crape Myrtle


Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia indica

Crape Myrtle is a favorite bonsai due to its delicate, showy flowers. It also grows flowers in clusters that come in hues of pink, red, purple, or white that bloom beautifully under bright sunlight.

9. Cinquefoil

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Botanical Name: Potentilla spp.

Cinquefoil comes with beautiful bright yellow, white, or pink flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. It is also drought-tolerant, making it a good choice for those who want a low-maintenance bonsai.

10. Hibiscus


Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

This beautiful bonsai comes with large, brightly colored flowers in red, pink, yellow, and orange. Hibiscus prefers a warm, sunny environment and well-draining soil that can retain moisture.

11. Honeysuckle

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Botanical Name: Tecoma capensis

Honeysuckle bonsai is known for its fragrant, tubular flowers that come in shades of yellow, orange, pink, and red and bloom throughout the spring and summer. Keep this beauty under some bright, direct light and cool temperatures.

12. Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum spp.

Decorated with white and yellow flowers, Jasmine prefers a warm, sunny environment and well-draining soil. It is also moisture-loving, making it a good choice for those who want a low-maintenance bonsai.

13. Magnolia

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Botanical Name: Magnolia stellata

This bonsai comes with large, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, purple, and white, which bloom throughout the spring and summer. The compact shape of this fantastic plant makes it one of the Best Flowering Bonsai Trees.

14. Gardenia


Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

This is an ornamental plant known for its fragrant white or yellow flowers. The compact size of this beautiful Gardenia makes it one of the Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees.

15. Carmona

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Botanical Name: Carmona microphylla

Loved for its glossy, dark green leaves and pretty white blooms, Carmona microphylla is a compact and low-maintenance indoor plant. Its delicate appearance and small size make it a great choice for adding a touch of greenery to small spaces.

16. Japanese Beautyberry Bonsai


Botanical Name: Callicarpa japonica

Callicarpa japonica, also known as the Beautyberry, is a stunning indoor plant with bright purple berries that add a pop of color to any room. Its delicate foliage and bright berries make it a standout in any collection.

17. Sasanqua Camellia Bonsai

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Botanical Name: Camellia sasanqua

Camellia sasanqua, also known as the Christmas Camellia, is an elegant indoor plant known for its delicate, fragrant flowers. If you want to add a touch of natural beauty to your room, this is the one!

18. Fukien Tea Tree Bonsai

Botanical Name: Carmona retusa

Carmona retusa, also known as the Hawaiian Violet, is a compact and low-maintenance houseplant prized for its small size and delicate appearance. With glossy, dark green leaves, it makes for one of the Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees.

19. Powder Puff Bonsai

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Botanical Name: Calliandra schultzei

Calliandra schultzei, also known as the Powder Puff Plant, is an exotic indoor plant that will turn heads with its delicate, powder-puff-like flowers. Its unique appearance and easy care requirements make it a great choice indoors.

20. Japanese Apricot


Botanical Name: Prunus mume

Popular as Japanese Apricot Prunus mume is an elegant indoor plant that is prized for its delicate, fragrant flowers. Its evergreen leaves and beautiful blooms make it to the list of the Best Indoor Flowering Bonsai Trees.

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