20 Best Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers | Yellow Flowering Houseplants

Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers bring a burst of sunshine, warmth, and cheer to any indoor space! Pick your favorite from the list!

Whether you’re looking for a striking focal point or simply a way to add some color to your decor, here are some of the Best Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers to consider!

Indoor plants with Yellow Flowers

1. Chrysanthemum

20 Best Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers | Yellow Flowering Houseplants 1

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

Mums are popular indoor plants that bloom in a wide range of cheerful colors, with yellow being the most popular among house owners. The plant’s compact size makes them ideal for tabletops and windowsills.

2. Bush Lily

Botanical Name: Clivia miniata

Clivia is a striking indoor plant featuring large clusters of yellow flowers on lush, evergreen foliage that adds a tropical touch to your decor. At the same time, its low maintenance requirements make it a great choice for novice green thumbs as well.

3. Kalanchoe

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Botanical Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe is a low-maintenance succulent featuring bright yellow flowers that are held on long stalks above its fleshy foliage. Its tough and adaptable nature makes it one of the Best Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers.

4. Primula

Botanical Name: Primula vulgaris

Primulas are charming indoor plants that feature delicate yellow blooms that sit atop their rosette-like foliage. They are ideal for growing in cool and moist environments, making them a great choice for terrariums, windowsills, and other indoor spaces.

5. African Daisy

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Botanical Name: Dimorphotheca ecklonis

African Daisies are known for their golden yellow daisy-like flowers and silver-green foliage. This charming yellow flowering houseplant prefers bright light and well-drained soil.

6. Yellow Bells


Botanical Name: Tecoma stans

This tropical plant is native to Central and South America and is known for its bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Yellow bells prefer bright, indirect light and evenly moist soil.

7. Yellow Alder

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Botanical Name: Turnera ulmifolia

This shrubby plant is native to the Americas and is prized for its small, yellow flowers that bloom year-round. Yellow Alder blooms best under bright, indirect light and well-drained soil.

8. Yellow Buttercup

Botanical Name: Ranunculus bulbosus

This cheerful plant features large, cup-shaped flowers in shades of yellow and adds a touch of spring to any indoor setting. Definitely, one of the more cheerful Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers on this list!

9. Yellow African Violet

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Botanical Name: Saintpaulia ionantha

One of the most popular indoor flowering plants, the Yellow African Violet produces delicate yellow flowers and soft, velvety leaves. The plant produces the best blooms under warm and humid conditions.

10. Yellow Cyclamen

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Botanical Name: Cyclamen persicum

With its dainty yellow blooms and delicate, patterned leaves, this charming plant adds a touch of whimsy to any indoor setting. Expose the plant to highly humid environments for the best blooms.

11. Yellow Orchid

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Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

Orchids are prized for their delicate, long-lasting blooms, and yellow orchids are no exception. They are known for their beauty and elegance and come in various cheerful shades.

12. Bromeliads

Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae
Bromeliads are known for their colorful and unique yellow flowers that last long and appear in various shapes and sizes. These feature rosette-shaped leaves that make this yellow flowering houseplant even more charming.

13. Golden Shrimp Plant

Botanical Name: Pachystachys lutea

The Golden Shrimp Plant is popular for its striking and unusual appearance featuring clusters of small, bright yellow flowers atop long, narrow, dark green leaves.

14. Hibiscus


Botanical Name: Hibiscus

Hibiscus is known for its large, colorful flowers that come in various colors, including red, pink, yellow, white, and orange. The pretty flowers come with five petals and a distinctive stamen column that protrudes from the center.

15. Prickly Pear Cactus

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Botanical Name: Opuntia

Prickly Pear Cactus, also known as Opuntia, is prized for its distinctive prickly and flattened pads, which are actually modified stems. The plant produces bright, showy flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, or red that look fantastic sitting at the center table or your work desk.

16. Marble Buttons


Botanical Name: Conophytum jucundum

Marble Buttons flaunt distinctive marbled leaves, which are green with white or yellow small blooms. These are popular houseplants due to their unique and eye-catching appearance, as well as their relatively low-care requirements.

17. Belgian Mums

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Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum x morifolium

A variety of Chrysanthemum, the Belgian Mums is prized for its large, showy blooms. These are often used as fall decorations, such as in planters or as cut flowers, and can be found in a range of colors, including yellow, pink, white, and burgundy.

18. Begonia ‘Nonstop Yellow’

Botanical Name: Begonia

Begonia ‘Nonstop Yellow’ is known for its large, showy, bright yellow flowers. It is a popular variety of tuberous begonia prized for its vibrant, long-lasting blooms that can be up to 4 inches (10 cm) across, making them one of the Best Indoor Plants with Yellow Flowers.

19. Geranium ‘First Yellow’

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Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Commonly known as Geraniums, this plant is known for its yellow flowers that bloom profusely from spring to fall. ‘First Yellow’ is a compact plant featuring small flowers measuring around 1 inch in diameter and is bright yellow in color.

20. Amaryllis ‘Yellow Star’

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum

Amaryllis ‘Yellow Star’ is known for its striking, bright yellow flowers that bloom in the winter. It is a popular flowering plant that is often grown indoors as a decorative plant and produces large, trumpet-shaped flowers measuring up to 6 inches.

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