Scindapsus Silver Hero Care and Growing Guide | Scindapsus pictus

Discover the secrets to growing and caring for Scindapsus Silver Hero and turn your home into a tropical paradise!

Loved for its stunning silver variegation, Growing Scindapsus Silver Hero Indoors can be a rewarding experience as long as you fulfill its requirements. With our comprehensive care guide, you’ll learn how to nurture the plant right and keep it thriving!

  • Botanical Name: Scindapsus pictus
  • Popular as—Scindapsus Silver Hero, Silver Pothos, Satin Pothos
  • Prefers bright, indirect sunlight
  • Thrives in a temperature range of 65°F – 85°F (18 – 29°C)
  • Toxic to pets

Look at the Best Pothos Varieties here

What is Scindapsus Silver Hero?

Scindapsus Silver Hero Care and Growing Guide | Scindapsus pictus 1

The Scindapsus Silver Hero, a member of the Araceae family, is loved for its ease of care and beautiful heart-shaped leaves. With a deep green base, the leaves are heavily variegated with patches of silvery blue or silver. These silvery patches on the leaves have a satin-like sheen, which contrasts beautifully with the matte green, giving them a dusted metallic look.

Apart from its attractive silvery foliage and somewhat compact stature, Scindapsus pictus is noted for its air-purifying abilities. If you are looking for a not-so-common houseplant that wouldn’t require much of your attention to thrive, Scindapsus Silver Hero can be the true hero of your plant collection!

Scindapsus Silver Hero Vs Plantinum 

  • Leaf Color and Variegation: Scindapsus Silver Hero has leaves that are a deep green with silvery variegation. On the other hand, Scindapsus Pictus ‘Platinum’ has a stronger variegation. Its leaves are almost entirely silver with small flecks or patches of green. The overall effect is a more “silvery” appearance compared to the Silver Hero.
  • Leaf Size and Shape: The leaves of both varieties are heart-shaped, but the Silver Hero tends to have slightly larger and more rounded leaves. In contrast, the ‘Platinum’ variety has somewhat smaller leaves that are often slightly more elongated in shape.
  • Growth Habit: Both plants are climbers and can be trained to grow up a moss pole or other support. However, the Silver Hero often tends to be a more vigorous climber and can reach greater heights if allowed.

Ideal Pot Size

To determine the ideal pot size for the Scindapsus Silver Hero, you must first check the plant’s root ball. The container must be slightly bigger than the root ball. While starting out, choose a 4-6 inches pot. As the plant grows, repot it to one size larger than the current one to allow room for growth.

Being an aroid, Scindapsus pictus grows in its full glory if supported with a moss pole. Gently attach the vines to the pole using soft plant ties or twine to mimic its natural habitat, hence promoting its growth.

Scindapsus Silver Hero Propagation

The easiest way to propagate Scindapsus Silver Hero is via stem cutting. Get a healthy, disease-free plant, sterile clipper, and some potting soil to get started:

  • Select a healthy stem with 3-4 leaves and snip a 4-6 inches long cutting just below a leaf node.
  • Remove the lower leaves, leaving a pair at the top.
  • Let the cut end to callous over at a dry spot for some time.
  • Prepare a pot with a well-draining potting medium and plant the cutting so the node is submerged.
  • Keep the soil moist and place the cutting in a warm, well-lit area but away from direct sunlight.

After a few weeks, the cutting will develop roots, and you can now hold back on watering and nourish it like a mature plant.

Tip: The ideal time for propagation is during the active growing season in spring or early summer when the plant is actively producing new growth. 

Scindapsus Silver Hero Care

Scindapsus Silver Hero Care and Growing Guide | Scindapsus pictus 2


Like most aroids, Scindapsus pictus prefers bright, indirect light to show off its variegated leaves best and promote healthy growth.

While it can tolerate lower light conditions, growth may be slower, and the variegation will not be as prominent. Conversely, if the plant receives too much direct sunlight, the leaves might develop brown, crispy edges.

The ideal place for your Scindapsus Silver Hero would be a few feet away from a north or east-facing window, where it can enjoy plenty of light without the risk of sunburn. Alternatively, it can also be placed in a spot with filtered light, such as behind a sheer curtain. If you notice the variegation on the leaves fading, it may need a bit more light.

If natural light is insufficient, supplement with artificial grow lights or LED strips. To ensure even light exposure, rotate the plant every 3–4 days.


For robust growth, the plant requires well-draining soil with ideal pH of 6-6.5. Combine equal parts of peat moss or coco coir, perlite, and compost or composted bark for the ideal blend. Peat moss retains moisture and provides aeration, while perlite improves drainage. Coconut coir and additions like husk chips or shredded fibers enhance moisture retention, drainage, aeration, and nutrient absorption.

Alternatively, you may also use a pre-formulated aroid mix that comes with the essential nutrients for healthy plant growth.


Water your Scindapsus Silver Hero when the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry to the touch. For the best practice—saturate the soil thoroughly until water begins to drain out the bottom of the pot. This will ensure the roots get enough water without flooding the bottom.

Do remember that watering needs may vary based on the season and the indoor environment. Typically, indoor plants require less watering during the cooler months. Conversely, during the warmer, brighter summer months, when the plant is in its active growing phase, you might need to water more frequently.

For Scindapsus pictus, it is best to use room-temperature water that is free from chlorine or other chemicals. Chlorinated water can be harmful to plants, so allow tap water to sit for 24 hours before use to dissipate the chlorine.

Temperature and Humidity

The Scindapsus Silver Hero has specific temperature and humidity care standards to ensure optimal growth and health. It thrives in average room temperatures ranging from 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C). Avoid exposing the plant to extreme temperature fluctuations, such as near ac vents or coolers, as they can cause stress and damage.

Temperatures below 50°F or 10°C can slow down its growth, so consider placing the plant near heat lamps or indoor greenhouses.

The plant prefers higher humidity levels, somewhat around 50% to 60%, which mimics its natural tropical environment. You can increase humidity by using a humidifier, placing the plant on a pebble tray filled with water, or regularly misting the leaves with room-temperature water.


The plant benefits from regular fertilization during its active growing season, which typically occurs in spring and summer. During this time, use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half its strength every 4-6 weeks.

Opt for general-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizers or those designed for foliage plants. These blends typically provide a balanced ratio of nitrogen N-P-K to support overall plant health and growth.

Reduce fertilization to every 8-10 weeks during the winter dormancy period when growth slows down. Periodically flush the soil with water to prevent salt build-up.


The plant requires regular pruning to maintain its shape and promote healthy growth. Remove dead, damaged, or yellowing leaves with clean pruning shears, trimming just above a node or leaf to encourage bushier growth. You can also use the pruned-out cuttings to propagate new plants.

Major Troubleshooting Tips

  • Yellowing Leaves: Yellow leaves may indicate overwatering, underwatering, or nutrient deficiencies. Keep an eye on the soil and adjust your watering routine to ensure optimal hydration. Consider fertilizing with a balanced liquid fertilizer and performing a soil pH test to fulfill the requirements.
  • Leaf Browning or Burn: Browning or burn marks on leaves can be caused by exposure to direct sunlight or harsh lighting. Move the plant to a location with filtered or indirect light to prevent further damage.
  • Pest Infestation: Common pests that may affect the Scindapsus Silver Hero include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Inspect the plant regularly and treat any infestations promptly using insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays.
  • Root Rot: Root rot can occur due to overwatering or poorly draining soil. Ensure the plant is potted in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. If root rot is detected, trim the affected roots and repot the plant in fresh soil.
  • Leggy Growth: Leggy growth with long, weak stems can be caused by insufficient light. Move the plant to a brighter location or rotate it every 3-4 days to allow even sunlight distribution.
  • Lack of Variegation: If the variegation on the leaves starts to fade or disappear, it may be due to insufficient light. Provide the plant with brighter, indirect light to maintain its variegated appearance.

Where to Buy Scindapsus Silver Hero?

Scindapsus Silver Hero can be purchased from various sources, including local plant nurseries, garden centers, and online platforms like Amazon or Etsy. Ensure that you are buying from reputable sellers with positive reviews and good customer feedback. Reading customer reviews and checking the seller’s return policy can help ensure a satisfactory buying experience.

Additionally, you may also find Scindapsus Silver Hero for Sale at local plant swaps or through local plant enthusiasts who propagate and sell plants. Participating in plant community events or reaching out to plant enthusiasts in your area may provide alternative ways to acquire the Scindapsus pictus.

Learn How to Grow Lush Green and Lively Neon Pothos here

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