15 Best Pothos Varieties Pictures | Types of Pothos

Noted for lush foliage and easy maintenance, here is the list of the Best Pothos Varieties Pictures for you to choose from!

Pothos are known for thick, waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves with splashes of multiple shades. These beautiful houseplants are commonly grown as hanging plants in baskets or dangling down a plant shelf. Learn about the Best Pothos Varieties Pictures and pick your favorite!

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Best Pothos Varieties Pictures

1. Golden Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Golden Pothos, also popular as Devil’s Ivy, is native to the Solomon Islands. It is a climbing vine that produces abundant yellow-marbled foliage.

2. Marble Queen Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’

It is a climbing vine that can grow upto 3 m in height. The ‘Marble Queen’ is known to produce glossy bright green, heart-shaped leaves variegated with creamy-white spots.

3. Neon Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’

This easy-to-care-for plant is one of the eye-catching varieties of pothos. This plant is native to the tropical Solomon Islands and is characterized by neon green, heart-shaped leaves and a vining growth habit. One of the Best Pothos Varieties on this list!

4. Jessenia Pothos



Botanical name: Epipremnum ‘Jessenia’

Jessenia Pothos is a marbled variety, popular as “Money Plant”. It is widely known for its tolerance to less-than-ideal weather conditions. It looks beautiful indoors with its white marble-shaded leaves.

5. Manjula Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘HANSOTI14’

This plant is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves with white, green, and cream variegation. It is a fast-growing strong climber which flourishes well indoors.

6. Baltic Blue Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum

Baltic Blue pothos features rich green leaves that develop a bluish cast as they mature. It is one of the Best Pothos Varieties to add greenery indoors.

7. Cebu Blue Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’

This plant got its name because of being native to Cebu island in the Philippines. The Cebu Blue pothos is a unique variety of pothos popular due to its stunning foliage characterized by thin silvery green and blue leaves.

8. Hawaiian Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Hawaiian Pothos’

Hawaiian Pothos is a medium-leaf pothos with heart-shaped leaves variegated in lime-yellow streaks. It grows fast and will shower the best tropical vibes with its evergreen foliage.

9. Harlequin Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Harlequin’

Native to South Harlequin, Harlequin is a rare pothos cultivar, a part of the Araceae family. This plant got its name from its unique leaves, which are highly variegated with large patches of white and green foliage.

10. Glacier Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Glacier’

Glacier Pothos is also called the Old Man N’Joy, because of its extra speckled, wrinkled, mottled foliage than N’Joy Pothos. The Glacier has smaller leaves than most Pothos and is a slower grower as well.

11. N-Joy pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘n’joy’

N’joy pothos is known for its variegated leaves and vining growth habit. This pothos cultivar has smaller, thinner leaves with more areas of variegation than the marble queen type, making it on the list of the Best Pothos Varieties.

12. Satin Pothos


Botanical Name: Scindapsus pictus

This plant looks amazing with its big, heart-shaped leaves, making it an indoor beauty. It is also called Silver pothos because of its dark-green leaves that feature hues of silvery gray, giving them a satin sheen.

13. Pearls and Jade Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Pearls and Jade’

‘Pearls and Jade’ Pothos features heart-shaped green leaves edged in broad creamy markings, giving it a unique color. Its leaves are 1 to 2 inches long with the same dimensions in width. It is one of the Best Pothos Varieties you can grow.

14. Snow Queen Pothos



Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Snow Queen’

Snow Queen pothos is a tropical plant that grows well in warm, humid conditions. It is not frost-tolerant and flourishes indoors under warm temperatures. Adhering to the name, the leaves are majorly white with speckles of dark green that look like a plant smeared in the snow!

15. Jade Pothos

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’

This plant grows well in an area with low to bright indirect light, making it an ideal houseplant. The leaves of the Jade pothos are solid green and slightly smaller and narrower than the Golden Pothos.

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