34 Beautiful Multicolor Flowers You Should Grow

Transform your garden into a living bouquet with these beautiful multicolor flowers, offering the most vibrant shades!

While flowers have a reputation for livening any space with their mere presence, these multicolor ones surely take it to the next level!

Beautiful Multicolor Flowers

1. Dahlia

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Botanical Name: Dahlia spp.

Dahlias are undoubtedly a gardener’s favourite with their geometric petal arrangements and a wide color range. The ‘Thomas A. Edison’ Dahlia featuring large, vibrant purple petals edged in white is the most colorful of all.

2. Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa spp.

Roses are loved their timeless elegance, presenting a delightful array of colors ranging from deep reds to soft pinks or pristine whites. The ‘Rainbow Knock Out Rose’ particularly stands out with its multicolored petals blending pink, coral, and yellow—all in one!

3. Lily

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Botanical Name: Lilium spp.

Lilies feature large, often fragrant flowers, available in many colors, including whites, pinks, and oranges. The ‘Stargazer’ Lily, with its bold pink petals speckled with white and edged in a lighter shade, truly stands out.

4. Peony

Botanical Name: Paeonia spp.

With large, lush blooms and a sweet scent, peonies come in shades of pink, red, white, and yellow. The ‘Bowl of Beauty’ Peony is the most colorful of all with its vibrant pink outer petals surrounding a creamy yellow center.

5. Iris

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Botanical Name: Iris germanica

Irises stand out with their bi-colored petals in shades of blue and yellow, with a touch of white near the base. The ‘Batik’ Iris showcases an eye-catching combination of deep purple and stark white, creating a dramatic contrast in the garden.

6. Tulip

Botanical Name: Tulipa spp.

With their distinct cup-shaped flowers, Tulips come in nearly every color. The ‘Flaming Parrot’ Tulip is remarkable for its yellow and red feathered petals, adding a bold display in every setting.

7. Chrysanthemum

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Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum spp.

Chrysanthemums are celebrated for their vibrant colors and intricate petal formations. The ‘Matchsticks’ variety offers a unique visual with its fiery red petals tipped in yellow, blooming from late summer to fall.

8. Hibiscus

Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hibiscus flowers are like a tropical party on a stem, flaunting large, vivid blooms. Check out the ‘Fiesta’ variety, with its ruffled, multi-toned petals in shades of yellow, orange, and pink.

Look at these gorgeous white sunflowers.

9. African Daisy

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Botanical Name: Arctotis fastuosa

The African Daisy jazzes up gardens with its bright, sun-like flowers, typically in bold oranges and yellows. The ‘Hawaiian Sunset’ variety takes it up a notch with petals that blend orange, yellow, and pink.

10. Columbine

Botanical Name: Aquilegia spp.

With their distinctive spurred petals, Columbines are a charming addition, especially in shades of blue, purple, and pink. The ‘McKana Giants’ are particularly eye-catching, boasting large, multicolored blooms.

11. Pansy

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Botanical Name: Viola tricolor

Pansies, with their “face-like” markings, come in an array of colors. The ‘Swiss Giants’ series offers vibrant and large flowers, presenting a kaleidoscope of colors including purples, yellows, and blues.

12. Bougainvillea

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea spp.

Bougainvilleas are a riot of color with their papery bracts in pinks, purples, reds, and oranges. The ‘Rainbow Gold’ variety lives up to its name, showcasing bracts in gold, pink, and orange.

13. Snapdragon

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Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majus

Snapdragons bring a playful vibe to gardens with their tall spikes of colorful, dragon-shaped flowers. The ‘Rocket Mix’ offers a vivid array of multicolored blooms, perfect for adding height and color.

14. Fuchsia

Botanical Name: Fuchsia spp.

Fuchsias feature unique, teardrop-shaped flowers in combinations of pinks, purples, and whites. The ‘Swingtime’ variety looks beautiful with its red sepals and white to pinkish-purple petals.

15. Foxglove

Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea

Foxgloves stand tall and proud, with tubular flowers marching up their spikes. The ‘Camelot Lavender’ Foxglove is noteworthy, displaying lavender-colored blooms with beautifully speckled throats.

16. Hydrangea

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Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangeas are all about big, round clusters of flowers in hues of blue, pink, purple, and white. The ‘Endless Summer’ series is particularly stunning, offering large, multicolored blooms that can change color based on the soil’s pH level.

17. Morning Glory

Botanical Name: Ipomoea purpurea

Morning glories produce trumpet-shaped flowers that offer a seamless blend of purple and white. These vigorous climbers adorn fences and trellises, and can be pretty invasive if left unchecked.

18. Bleeding Heart

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Botanical Name: Dicentra spectabilis

This perennial is known for its heart-shaped pink and white flowers that dangle from arched stems. ‘Gold Heart’ offers a stunning contrast with bright yellow leaves against the soft pink flowers.

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19. Cosmos

Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

Cosmos feature daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, white, and red on tall, slender stems. The ‘Seashells Mix’ variety stands out with its rolled petals, giving the flowers a tubular appearance.

20. Bee Balm

Botanical Name: Monarda didyma

Bee Balm is a favorite among pollinators, showcasing vibrant red, pink, or purple flowers. The ‘Jacob Cline’ cultivar stands out with its large, bright red blooms attracting hummingbirds.

21. Petunia

Botanical Name: Petunia spp.

Petunias are popular for their wide range of colors and patterns and are probably the easiest growing specimens. You can also get this flower in bi-color varieties.

22. Gladiolus

Botanical Name: Gladiolus spp.

Gladiolus plants feature tall spikes of colorful flowers. The ‘Green Star’ variety is notable for its unusual bright green flowers, adding a unique touch to gardens and arrangements.

23. Hyacinth

Botanical Name: Hyacinthus spp.

Hyacinths are not just known for their intense fragrance but also their densely packed florets in blue, white, pink or purple shades. ‘Woodstock’ offers deep burgundy blooms, a rare and striking color in hyacinths.

24. Gaillardia

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Botanical Name: Gaillardia spp.

Also known as Blanket Flowers, Gaillardia blooms in bright red, yellow, and orange. The ‘Fanfare Blaze’ variety is notable for its trumpet-shaped petals and bold red-and-yellow coloring.

25. Bee Orchid

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Botanical Name: Ophrys apifera

This unique orchid resembles a bee, featuring purple, brown and yellow colors aiding in its pollination. It’s a fascinating example of mimicry in flowers, commonly found in meadows and grasslands.

26. Crown Imperial

Botanical Name: Fritillaria imperialis

This stately flower features a crown of bell-shaped blooms in orange, red, or yellow atop a tall stem, with a tuft of leaves on top. It’s a spring bloomer, known for its attractive appearance and distinctive, musky fragrance.

27. Zinnia

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Botanical Name: Zinnia elegans

Zinnias are celebrated for their bright, bold colors and a wide range of flower forms. The ‘Yellow Flame’ variety is eye-catching with its vivid yellow and red bicolor petals.

28. Painted Daisy

Botanical Name: Tanacetum coccineum

Painted Daisies showcase colorful, daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. The variety ‘Robinson’s Red’ offers vibrant red blooms, adding a splash of color to summer gardens.

29. Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia spp.

Begonias are known for their beautiful, often variegated foliage and flowers in pink, red, or white. The ‘Dragon Wing Red’ stands out with its lush green leaves and drooping clusters of bright red flowers.

30. Dianthus

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Botanical Name: Dianthus barbatus

This biennial or short-lived perennial is admired for its dense clusters of flowers in various colors. The ‘Black Cherry Frost’ variety features a striking contrast of dark red flowers with a frosty white edge.

31. Butterfly Bush

Botanical Name: Buddleja davidii

Known for attracting butterflies, this bush produces long, conical clusters of tiny flowers in purple, white, or pink. The ‘Black Knight’ cultivar boasts dark purple blooms and is a magnet for pollinators.

32. Cockscomb

Botanical Name: Celosia argentea

Cockscomb is famous for its unique, cockscomb like flower heads in bright shades like red, yellow, and orange. ‘Flamingo Feather’ is notable for its tall, pink, feathery plumes.

33. Lupine

Botanical Name: Lupinus spp.

Lupines are known for their tall, spiky blooms in a mix of colors. The ‘Russell Hybrids’ mix offers a stunning array of colors from blues and purples to reds and yellows.

34. Calla Lily

Botanical Name: Zantedeschia spp.

Calla Lilies are popular for their elegant, trumpet-shaped flowers, which can be white, pink, yellow, or even black. You can also grow different color varieties in clusters for a multicolor display.

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