17 Mini Monstera Varieties for Compact Spaces | Types of Rhaphidophora

Looking for a small yet impressive houseplant to grace your coffee table or work desk? These Mini Monstera varieties are the best to go for!

Prized for unique fenestrations and lush, glossy foliage, Monsteras stand out in any houseplant collection. However, their Mini Monstera counterparts provide an extra advantage for those with limited space. These smaller varieties retain the exotic allure of their larger relatives but are perfectly suited to more compact environments, as they do not grow more than a few feet. Pick your favorite from the ones listed below!

Look at some Stunning Monstera Varieties here

Mini Monstera Varieties

Note: The plants might attain a taller stature, with some varieties reaching a height of 4-5 feet as well. Use a small 4-6 inches pot and keep pruning the extended growth to keep the plant’s height in control.

1. Rhaphidophora korthalsii

17 Mini Monstera Varieties for Compact Spaces | Types of Rhaphidophora 1

This Mini Monstera variety features glossy, green, shingle-like leaves that exhibit prominent splits and perforations on maturity. The leaves grow in a distinct, spiraling pattern around the plant’s central stem. With an indoor height of 2-3 feet, it thrives in bright, indirect light and requires moderate watering.

2. Rhaphidophora monticola


Rhaphidophora monticola, an exotic beauty, grows up to 2-3 feet indoors, featuring robust, elliptic leaves. The outward growing pattern adds an extra charm, and it thrives in bright, indirect light with moderate watering, making it a unique indoor addition.

3. Rhaphidophora foraminifera

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A low-maintenance Mini Monstera that reaches a height of 2-3 feet indoors, it features oblong, elongated shiny leaves that are green on top and reddish-brown underneath. The leaves grow in an alternating pattern around the plant’s central stem and grow rhombic holes in its mature years.

4. Rhaphidophora tenuis

Rhaphidophora tenuis, a delicate Mini Monstera, grows up to 1-2 feet indoors. Its oblong does not follow the signature feature of its cousins, i.e., it does not exhibit any fenestrations on its maturity. It flourishes in bright, indirect light, moderate water, and support to climb.

5. Rhaphidophora hayi

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Hayi is a stunning houseplant with a compact height of 1-2 feet indoors. It is known for its slightly overlapping leaves that do not perforate on maturity. This Mini Monstera looks beautiful climbing along walls, bookshelves, or a plant stake.

6. Rhaphidophora beccarii

Rhaphidophora beccarii is a 2-3 feet tall exotic plant featuring glossy, green, elongated leaves that may or may not produce fenestrations. This unique feature makes it perfect for adding visual contrast to tropical interior decor.

7. Rhaphidophora latevaginata

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This Mini Monstera grows up to 3-4 feet indoors and features deep green leaves that densely overlap each other and exhibit holes as the plant ages. Rhaphidophora latevaginata thrives in bright, indirect light and requires moderate watering.

8. Rhaphidophora maingayi


The striking Rhaphidophora maingayi exhibits glossy, green, elongated leaves that tend to grow outwards. Growing up to 2-3 feet indoors, its dense foliage crown makes it perfect for living rooms and plant shelves. It flourishes in bright, indirect light and moderate watering.

9. Rhaphidophora pachyphylla

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This lush houseplant grows up to 2-3 feet indoors and features glossy, green, and heart-shaped leaves with prominent splits. The leaves of this plant grow in a unique, twisting pattern around the plant’s central stem. Provide it with bright, indirect light and moderate watering.

Find the Best Houseplants with Holes in Leaves here

10. Rhaphidophora angustata


Rhaphidophora angustata, a Mini Monstera variety, grows up to 1-2 feet indoors, showcasing elongated leaves with prominent venation. This delicate plant thrives in bright, indirect light, making it a perfect exotic addition to indoor spaces.

11. Rhaphidophora australasica

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The striking Rhaphidophora australasica reaches 2-3 feet indoors, displaying dark green narrow and elongated leaves with a waxy texture. Provide the plant with 1-2 hours of bright, indirect sunlight to retain the exotic dark foliage color.

12. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma ‘variegata’

This popular houseplant reaches 1-2 feet indoors, displaying variegated heart-shaped leaves with green and white hues and natural perforations. The dense, bushy leaf growth complements its central stem. It thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate watering.

13. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

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The rare Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is the non variegated counterpart that reaches a height of 1-2 feet indoors. Its heart-shaped leaves resemble Monstera deliciosa with natural splits and perforations. The dense, bushy growth adds appeal, while bright, indirect light and moderate watering ensure its success.

14. Rhaphidophora decursiva

Rhaphidophora decursiva reaches 2-3 feet indoors, featuring glossy, green, heart-shaped leaves with prominent splits on maturity. The spiraling leaf pattern adds distinction, and it thrives in indirect light with moderate watering, perfect for those seeking natural elegance indoors.

15. Rhaphidophora cryptantha

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The exotic Rhaphidophora cryptantha, a Mini Monstera, grows up to 1-2 feet indoors. Its green heart-shaped leaves are deeply veined with silvery-white markings and are arranged alternately around the stem. It flourishes in bright, indirect light, adding elegance to indoor spaces.

16. Rhaphidophora pertusa

Rhaphidophora pertusa reaches 2-3 feet indoors, boasting broadly ovate leaves that may develop entire or pinnate fenestrations on maturity. This hardy houseplant thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate watering, perfect for indoor gardening enthusiasts.

17. Rhaphidophora hongkongensis

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The rare Rhaphidophora hongkongensis grows up to 2-3 feet indoors, displaying oval leaves with a leathery texture. The singling leaves add sophistication, and it flourishes in bright, indirect light and moderate watering, making it an ideal indoor plant for vining around the room.

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