How to Grow Philodendron Selloum | Lace Tree Philodendron

Want a fancy and jaunty green friend at your home? Learn all about growing Philodendron Selloum indoors with our exclusive care guide!

How to Grow Philodendron Selluom | Lace Tree Philodendron 1

Native to South America, Philodendron selloum is prized for its captivating green foliage and low care needs. Additionally, they are the most efficacious natural air purifiers in existence. Here’s everything your need to learn about growing Lace Tree Philodendron Indoors!

  • Botanical Name: Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum
  • Popular as—Lace Tree Philodendron, Split Leaf Philodendron, Horsehead Philodendron
  • Reaches a handsome height of 6 feet indoors
  • Thrives in a temperature range of 65-80 F or 18 to 27 C
  • Loves bright, indirect light
  • Toxic to pets if ingested

Learn about Growing an Indoor Philodendron Prince of Orange here

          Philodendron Selloum Plant Profile

Philodendron Selloum is a tropical perennial aroid embellished with upright, lustrous, verdant leafage with deep lobes. Standing tall at 5-6 feet indoors, the plant has a thick, sturdy stem that adds to the plant’s alluring stature. The dark emerald green leaves are prized for their air-purifying abilities and are a popular choice for indoor decoration due to their aesthetic appeal.

How about having a giant leafy monster gracing your living room that’ll have you envy it for the attention it seeks from your guests? That’s Philodendron Selloum for you!

Ideal Pot Size

The trick to deciding the ideal pot size for your Philodendron Selloum is to get a one-size bigger container than the plant’s root ball. A 6-8 inches pot is good enough for the plant. It will ensure the roots get enough space to breathe without pooling water at the bottom.

You may need to repot it into one size larger pot as it outgrows the older. Ensure to drill enough holes to allow excess water to drain out of the container.

Philodendron Selloum Propagation

Philodendron Selloum can easily be propagated via stem cuttings. The detailed steps are as follows:

  • Get a healthy, disease-free plant and snip a 6 inches long stem just below the nodes using sharp, sterile clippers.
  • Smear the cut end in a rooting hormone, brushing off the excess.
  • Place the cutting in a half-filled water jar in a way that the node is below the water level.
  • Change the water every alternate day or when it turns muddy.
  • Keep the jar in bright indirect sunlight and keep an eye on the nodes.

You’ll notice roots emerging from the nodes. When they are 2-3 inches long, transplant the cutting in a well-draining potting medium.

Requirements for Growing Philodendron Selloum

How to Grow Philodendron Selluom | Lace Tree Philodendron 2


Philodendron Selloum flaunts the best colors under bright, indirect light. The plant doesn’t appreciate an absolutely shady spot, nor will it stand the intense afternoon heat. The best bet is to place it near the Northern or Eastern windows that allow a few hours of morning sunlight. If you don’t have access to bright, indirect light, you can provide artificial light using fluorescent lights or LED grow lights.

Keep an eye on how your plant reacts to the sunlight. Bring it in the shade if you find the leaf edges shriveling or curling inwards.


This aroid prefers a well-draining medium that is rich in organic matter. To hit the perfect balance of water retention as well as drainage, get a combination of sphagnum moss, perlite, orchid bark, peat moss, and coco coir. This will provide the right nutrition besides aiding drainage. Do not use the typical garden soil, as that will not allow enough room for the aerial roots to breathe, hence killing them.


Like most of its cousins, Philodendron Selloum prefers moist condition that is not soggy. To ensure this, allow the medium to dry out slightly between watering sessions. Follow a deep watering session every week and let the water seem out of the drainage holes, wetting the medium thoroughly.

Watering too often will cause root rot, while not doing it enough will wilt its gorgeous foliage. Keep an eye on the top two inches of the medium and do the needful.

Temperature & Humidity

Philodendron Selloum thrives in warm temperatures between 65 and 80 F (18-27 C). The houseplant will not tolerate temperatures below 55 F or 13 C and should be protected from drafts and extreme temperature fluctuations. If the degrees in your place tend to drop down the lower limit, consider exposing the plant to heaters or indoor greenhouses to help it thrive.

The gorgeous foliage exhibits the best gloss in highly humid environments—70-80%. If the air in your home is dry, you can boost the moisture around the plant by misting it regularly with tepid water or by placing a humidifier near it. A pebble tray can also do the job.

Philodendron Selloum Care



Philodendron Selloum does best when fed with a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season after diluting to 1/2 its strength. Alternatively, you can also side-dress the plant with a slow-release granular feed in the early spring to aid plant growth.

Keep from fertilizing the plant in winter, as that will only lead to salt build-up in the medium, stunting its growth.

Pests & Diseases

The houseplant is susceptible to typical houseplant pests, including spider mites, mealybugs, and scales. Keep a close eye on the undersides of the foliage for cottony webs and white powdery spots. Spray with organic neem oil solution every month to keep potential diseases at bay. Also, avoid overwatering and provide the plant with good air circulation.

Wipe the foliage with a soapy solution to prevent dust and debris accumulation.

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