10 Indoor Vines that Survive Without Sunlight

Indoor vines that survive without sunlight are perfect for uplifting shady rooms, attics, and corners of your home!

While it’s a no-brainer that bright light is a non-negotiable part of healthy plant growth, certain vines can do well with just a few hours of mild sunlight. Just shift it to a bright patch every two to three weeks to compensate for their light requirements!

10 Indoor Vines that Survive Without Sunlight

1. Creeping Fig

Indoor Vines that Can Survive Witgout Sunlight

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila

This little plant is a true overachiever in the shade. It clings and climbs beautifully, with tiny, delicate leaves that form a dense green carpet over any surface it touches or is hung in. Native to East Asia, it’s perfect for dressing up a shady wall or covering unsightly features with a curtain of green.

2. Goldfish Plant

Indoor Vines that Can Survive Witgout Sunlight

Botanical Name: Columnea gloriosa

As quirky as its name, the goldfish plant produces bright orange flowers that remarkably resemble leaping goldfish. With its cascading tendrils holding small, oval leaves, this plant is prone to sunburn if placed in direct sunlight for more than an hour.

3. Rosary Vine

Botanical Name: Ceropegia woodii

More popular as the string of hearts, the heart-shaped leaves along its trailing vines don’t need much sunlight, especially if you are growing the non-variegated counterpart. It’s perfect for a high shelf or any neglected corner where it would thrive with minimal maintenance.

4. Rex Begonia Vine

Vines that Can Survive Witgout Sunlight

Botanical Name: Cissus discolor

While colorful plants are generally sun-lovers, the rex begonia vine is an exception. Its silver and green leaves with hints of purple underneath don’t need much light to maintain their stunning coloration, making them a fabulous choice for adding some color to dimmer areas of your home, like a bathroom or hallway.

5. Lipstick Plant

Vines that Can Survive Witgout Sunlight

Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus radicans

Known for its bright red tubular flowers that might spark quirky conversations, the lipstick plant is another beauty that thrives in the low-light, humid corners of the house. Hang it near a window with sheer curtains and watch its lush vines flourish and possibly bloom, even without direct sunlight.

6. Hoya

Botanical Name: Hoya spp.

Whether you want to drape your trellis or fill up that vacant shelf at the corner, hoyas provide wide options that are also super easy to grow. Plus, they are resilient enough to be displayed in multiple positions around the home and would do well without direct sunlight exposure.

7. Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Possibly the champion of low-light environments, the pothos is nearly indestructible and can grow in places far from windows, like in a bathroom or office. You need to be extra careful with sunlight exposure if you have some variegated cultivars in your collection.

8. Philodendron

Indoor Vines

Botanical Name: Philodendron spp.

With more than a hundred varieties, Philos are the quintessential houseplant for low-light areas, boasting a variety of shapes and sizes. ‘Heartleaf’ and ‘Brasil’ are the most suitable for curating a relaxing corner in your living room or the shady spaces of your home where other plants might struggle.

9. English Ivy

Indoor Vines

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

This low-light classic thrives with minimal sunlight, preferring the cool shade like its native European forests. The best bet would be to train the vines over a trellis or maybe create a DIY living wall in any bland corner that needs a bit of green makeover.

10. Arrowhead Plant

Syngonium podophyllum Indoor Vines that Can Survive Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

The large arrow-shaped leaves are prone to brown edges if the sunlight hits for long hours, making it a fantastic choice for homes without a bright light source. Plus, their vining habit takes over any area pretty quickly, adding a tropical feel to dimmer areas, like an interior bathroom or an attic.

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