37 Trees that Start with L

Explore this list of Trees that Start with L and learn if they could be an excellent addition to your garden!

Exhibiting a graceful elegance spiced with beautiful flowers, this compilation of Trees that Start with L unveils a beautiful botanical gallery that’s not worth missing out!

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Trees that Start with L

1. Lemon Tree

Botanical Name: Citrus limon

Lemon Tree, with its vibrant yellow fruits, is a prized addition to gardens. Its glossy leaves emit a zesty fragrance when brushed against and offer the joy of homegrown lemons for culinary delights.

2. Lily Tree

Botanical Name: Magnolia denudata

The Lily Tree, also known as Yulan Magnolia, graces gardens with its large, fragrant white flowers resembling delicate lilies. Its blossoms are a beautiful sight during spring, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

3. Locust Tree

Botanical Name: Robinia spp.

The Locust Tree showcases clusters of fragrant, pea-like flowers and pinnate leaves that lend a delicate charm to outdoor spaces. Its rapid growth and adaptability make it a popular choice for shade and ornamentation.

4. Longan Tree

Botanical Name: Dimocarpus longan

The Longan Tree bears clusters of small, translucent fruits with sweet, juicy flesh. Its shiny, dark green leaves provide a lush backdrop for the fruit. Native to Southeast Asia, this tree offers both visual appeal and delectable treats.

5. Loquat Tree

Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica

Native to China, the Loquat Tree boasts broad, evergreen leaves that offer shade and aesthetic value. Its apricot-like fruits are both ornamental and delicious, while the tree’s attractive form makes it a desirable addition to gardens.

6. Lancepod

Botanical Name: Lonchocarpus punctatus

A drought-tolerant perennial, Lancepod excels in xeriscaping and is perfect for water-wise gardens. Its seed pods are an eye-catching feature, and its low-maintenance nature makes it suitable for rock gardens or arid landscapes.

7. Lancewood

Botanical Name: Pseudopanax crassifolius

Lancewood, a native of New Zealand, features long, lance-shaped leaves that set it apart. Its striking appearance adds a touch of drama to landscapes, while the tree’s leaves add vertical interest.

8. Laurel Cherry

Botanical Name: Prunus caroliniana

Laurel Cherry boasts glossy, dark green leaves and small, white fragrant flowers that attract pollinators. With a compact form and dense foliage, these Trees that Start with L make excellent choices for privacy hedges or screens.

9. Lead Tree

Botanical Name: Leucaena leucocephala

The Lead Tree is known for its fluffy, globe-like clusters of white flowers, while its feathery foliage adds an airy touch to landscapes. Hailing from Central America, this tree’s unique blossoms and foliage texture create an ethereal ambiance.

10. Leadwood

Botanical Name: Combretum imberbe

Leadwood, native to southern Africa, earns its name from its dense, heavy wood. Its gnarled branches and distinct bark texture add character to the arid landscapes. This tree stands as a symbol of resilience in challenging environments.

11. L’If du Canada

Botanical Name: Taxus canadensis

L’If du Canada, also known as Canadian Yew, is a low-growing evergreen shrub that thrives in shaded areas. Its red berries provide a pop of color against its dark green needles. This hardy shrub brings a touch of woodland charm to gardens.

12. Lilac

Botanical Name: Syringa vulgaris

Lilac tree delights the senses with its fragrant, cone-shaped clusters of flowers in various shades of purple, pink, and white. Its heart-shaped leaves complement the blooms, creating a romantic atmosphere.

13. Lipstick Tree

Botanical Name: Bixa orellana

Lipstick Tree, also known as Achiote, produces spiky red fruits with seeds used to make natural dye and seasoning. Its large, heart-shaped leaves enhance its visual impact.

14. Lindens

Botanical Name: Tilia spp.

The Linden trees are a favorite among urban landscapes, with their heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, pale yellow flowers. Known for their medicinal properties, Lindens are not only visually pleasing but also ecologically significant.

15. Ligustrum

Botanical Name: Ligustrum lucidum

The Ligustrum tree, or Glossy Privet, displays dense, dark green foliage and small white flowers that emit a pleasant fragrance. Its adaptability to various conditions makes it a reliable choice for hedges and privacy screens.

16. Larches

Botanical Name: Larix

Larch trees are deciduous conifers, shedding their needle-like leaves in the fall. Their vibrant green foliage turns golden before dropping, creating a stunning autumn display. These trees add a unique seasonal dimension to landscapes.

17. Lauraceae

Botanical Name: Lauraceae spp.

Lauraceae family includes aromatic trees like Bay Laurel and Cinnamon. These trees boast aromatic leaves used in culinary and medicinal applications. Their versatility and delightful scents make them cherished additions to gardens.

18. Lychee Tree

Botanical Name: Litchi chinensis ‘Son’

Lychee Tree produces small, translucent fruits with sweet, white flesh. Its compound leaves create an attractive canopy, and the fruits are a culinary delight. Originating from Asia, this tree adds a touch of tropical flair to gardens.

19. Loblolly Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus taeda

Loblolly Pine, a common sight in the southeastern United States, features long needles and tall trunks that dominate the landscape. Its straight form and adaptability have made it a valuable timber species.

20. Longleaf Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus palustris

Thriving in well-drained, sandy soils, Longleaf Pine is a stalwart of the Southern U.S. forests. This evergreen conifer boasts long needles that make excellent mulch and provide a rich habitat for understorey vegetation.

21. Leucadendron

Botanical Name: Leucadendron argenteum

Leucadendron, also known as Silver Tree, boasts silvery, needle-like leaves that catch the light, creating a striking appearance. Native to South Africa, this tree adds a touch of elegance to arid landscapes. Its unique foliage stands out against other plants.

22. Lacebark Maple

Botanical Name: Acer griseum

Lacebark Maple stands out for its peeling, cinnamon-colored bark that reveals a mosaic of textures underneath. Its trifoliate leaves turn vibrant shades of orange and red in the fall.

23. Large-leafed Mahogany

Botanical Name: Swietenia macrophylla

The Large-Leafed Mahogany is a towering tree highly valued for its exceptional timber. Its wood is sought after for its remarkable durability and beautiful appearance.

24. Lacebark

Botanical Name: Hoheria spp.

Its distinctive bark and attractive flowers characterize the Lacebark tree. The bark of the Lacebark tree peels away in thin, papery layers, revealing a range of colors, including grays, browns, and whites.

25. Lion’s Ear Tree

Botanical Name: Leonotis leonurus

The Lion’s Ear Tree features spiky clusters of vibrant orange flowers, known for attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. These Trees that Start with L are often used as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes due to their striking appearance.

26. Little Walnut

Botanical Name: Juglans microcarpa

The Little Walnut tree is a native tree to California. It produces small, round nuts with rich flavor encased in a hard shell. These nuts are commonly referred to as “little walnuts” due to their small size.

27. Leadtree

Botanical Name: Leucaena leucocephala

The Leadtree is a fast-growing tree renowned for its nitrogen-fixing properties. It plays a crucial role in enriching soil quality due to its ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can readily utilize.

28. Leopardwood Tree

Botanical Name: Roupala spp.

The Leopardwood tree, captivates with its distinctive and mesmerizing wood grain patterns. Indigenous to various tropical regions, these trees showcase a striking display of contrasting dark and light shades within their timber.

29. Longjack Tree

Botanical Name: Eurycoma longifolia

The Longjack Tree is a tall, evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. It is renowned for its medicinal properties and has been traditionally used in herbal remedies for various health benefits.

30. Lacewood Tree

Botanical Name: Cardwellia sublimis

The Lacewood tree boasts captivating beauty due to its distinctive bark and elegant appearance. These Trees that Staet with L stand out for their unique wood grain, making them a sought-after choice for decorative applications.

31. Lowveld Cluster Leaf

Botanical Name: Terminalia prunioides

Native to African savannas, the Lowveld Cluster Leaf is a hardy tree that adapts well to drought conditions. Its clustered leaves create a thick canopy, offering shade and shelter to ground-level flora, while its deep roots enrich the soil with essential nutrients.

32. Lilly Pilly Ash

Botanical Name: Acmena spp.

The Lilly Pilly Ash is an Australian tree celebrated for its vibrant and lush appearance. Its dense foliage, characterized by glossy leaves, serves as an excellent choice for hedging and landscaping.

33. Lacebark Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus bungeana

The Lacebark Pine is a distinctive tree known for its captivating features. It boasts an eye-catching appearance due to its peeling bark, which reveals a mosaic of colors underneath.

34. Lebanon Cedar

Botanical Name: Cedrus libani

The Lebanon Cedar is a majestic evergreen tree native to the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. It is renowned for its stately appearance and has played a significant role in history, often symbolizing strength and resilience.

35. Littleleaf Linden

Botanical Name: Tilia cordata

The Littleleaf Linden is a deciduous tree known for its small, heart-shaped leaves and fragrant flowers. It is often utilized in urban landscapes due to its compact size and ornamental appeal.

36. Lodgepole Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus contorta

Lodgepole pine is known for its straight trunks and slender cones. Its straight trunks and slender cones characterize it. This tree species is renowned for its adaptation to wildfires.

37. Laurel Oak

Botanical Name: Quercus laurifolia

The Laurel Oak is a deciduous tree native to the southeastern United States. It is recognized for its distinctive glossy, laurel-like leaves that can reach up to 5 inches long. The leaves are dark green in color and have a leathery texture.

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