36 Trees That Start With F

With a plethora of benefits, these Trees that Start with F are more than the green sentinels decking up your garden!

Houseplants and flowers might grab the spotlight for their beauty and fragrance, but trees are the unsung heroes, quietly supporting life in countless ways. If you’re a tree lover, this list of trees that start with ‘F’ will surely heighten your appreciation for these overlooked giants of nature.


Trees That Start With F

1. Firs

Trees That Start With F

Botanical Name: Abies spp.

These towering trees stand out with their sharp needles and cone-like shape. They’re a holiday favorite, transforming homes every Christmas as they thrive beautifully in chilly climates.

2. Fig Tree

Botanical Name: Ficus carica

Beyond its sweet fruits, the Fig Tree is a wonder in both home and commercial orchards. Its leaves are used in culinary dishes, and the tree itself acts as a natural shade provider in gardens.

3. Flowering Dogwood

Trees That Start With F

Botanical Name: Cornus florida

Native to North America, the Flowering Dogwood is a spectacle with its four-petaled white blossoms. Its wood is hard and durable, often used in tool handles and small craft projects.

4. Fringe Tree

Botanical Name: Chionanthus spp.

The Fringe Tree, with its unique flowers, is a favorite for adding aesthetic value to gardens. It’s also used in traditional medicine for its purported liver-cleansing properties.

5. Firethorn Tree

Trees That Start With F

Botanical Name: Pyracantha spp.

With its bright berries and thorny branches, the Firethorn Tree is both beautiful and practical. It serves well as a natural fence and is a favorite in wildlife-friendly gardens.

6. Frostbite Birch

Beautiful Betula 'Frostbite'

Botanical Name: Betula ‘Frostbite’

Naturally designed for the cold, the Frostbite Birch stands out with its striking white bark, offering a stark beauty in winter gardens. It’s a resilient addition, bringing visual interest throughout the year.

7. Forest Pansy Redbud

Beautiful Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’

This small deciduous tree features heart-shaped leaves that emerge in shades of purple, red, and bronze. In spring, it graces landscapes with bright purple-pink blossoms, adding both color and elegance to gardens.

8. Flame Maple

Acer ginnala

Botanical Name: Acer ginnala

The Flame Maple, with its fiery fall foliage, is a fantastic choice for adding autumnal color to landscapes. Its wood is valued for its use in furniture and sometimes in musical instruments.


9. False Cypress

Botanical Name: Chamaecyparis spp.

Gardeners adore the False Cypress for its lush, ornamental foliage, making it a top pick for landscaping and hedges. Its rot-resistant wood is a go-to for outdoor projects like decking and fencing.

10. Flooded Gum

Tall Eucalyptus grandis

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus grandis

Towering in wet areas, the Flooded Gum is not just a stately tree; its timber is in high demand for construction and furniture due to its strength and durability.

11. Fern Tree

Botanical Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia

Despite its misleading name, the Fern Tree is a botanical spectacle, especially when its purple-blue flowers bloom. It’s a popular choice in urban landscapes for its aesthetic appeal.

12. Flamboyant Tree

Flamboyant Tree

Botanical Name: Delonix regia

Living up to its name, the Flamboyant Tree features fiery red and orange blossoms. A native of Madagascar, this stunning beauty grows best in warmer regions, flaunting its broad, shade-providing canopy.

13. Franklin Tree

Botanical Name: Franklinia alatamaha

Native to the southeastern United States, the Franklin tree is a rare deciduous tree. With fragrant white flowers and dark green foliage, it is a common sight in public gardens.

14. Fragrant Olive

Botanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans

The fragrant olive is an evergreen small sporting super fragrant flowers. It adds a delightful aroma to gardens and is a staple in traditional Chinese tea making.

15. Fremont Cottonwood

Botanical Name: Populus fremontii

A native North American giant, the Fremont Cottonwood thrives near water sources. With heart-shaped leaves and fluffy, cotton-like seeds, this tree is a natural choice for riparian landscapes.

16. Flat-Top Crabapple

Botanical Name: Malus ‘Flat-Top’

Perfect for smaller spaces, the Flat-Top Crabapple sports a compact shape and beautiful springtime show of pink or white flowers. It’s a favorite among gardeners for adding a splash of color and charm to compact gardens.

17. Florida Maple

Botanical Name: Acer saccharum subsp. floridanum

This southeastern U.S. native stands out with its yellow-to-deep-red autumn leaves. Not just a visual treat, the Florida maple is a wildlife haven, providing food and shelter for various species.

18. Fern-Leaf Beech

Botanical Name: Fagus sylvatica ‘Asplenifolia’

Elegant with its fern-like, deeply lobed leaves, this European beech cultivar is a garden’s pride, bringing a sophisticated air to parks and large landscapes.


19. Fiddlewood Tree


Botanical Name: Citharexylum spinosum

With its glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers, these Trees that Start with F are a gem in ornamental gardens, often attracting birds and butterflies.

20. Florida Torreya

Botanical Name: Torreya taxifolia

A rare and endangered conifer from Florida and Georgia, this tree sports dense, yew-like foliage and distinctively sharp needles. Conservationists highly value it for its rarity and unique characteristics.

21. Fern Pine

Botanical Name: Afrocarpus gracilior

This evergreen is admired for its feathery, fern-like foliage, ideal for ornamental use or as a lush, green hedge in subtropical climates.

22. Furrowed Bark Cherry

Botanical Name: Prunus serrula

This tree stands out with its striking, shiny, mahogany-colored bark, which peels in bands. It’s prized for both its ornamental bark and the beautiful clusters of small white flowers that bloom in spring.

23. Flowering Ash

Botanical Name: Fraxinus ornus

Celebrated for its fragrant white flowers that bloom in spring, the flowering ash is a popular ornamental tree. Plus, its distinctive winged seeds add an extra layer of interest to the landscape.

24. False Mastic

Botanical Name: Sideroxylon spp.

Popular as a bully tree, this group of evergreen trees stands out with its robust, dense foliage. It is a common sight in tropical and subtropical regions, often used for its wood and as an ornamental tree.

25. Fernleaf Japanese Maple

Botanical Name: Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’

This ornamental tree is a garden favorite, thanks to its finely divided, fern-like leaves and stunning fall color. With a compact size, it is ideal for smaller gardens or for group planting in larger landscapes.

26. Fruitless Mulberry

Botanical Name: Morus alba ‘Fruitless’

This variant of the white mulberry is all about providing lush, green foliage without the mess of berries. It’s a popular shade tree standing out with its rapid growth and broad canopy.

27. Feijoa Tree

Botanical Name: Acca sellowiana

More popular as pineapple guava, this small tree is a dual delight, offering both ornamental appeal and edible fruit. Its gorgeous flowers bloom in spring, leading to sweet, aromatic fruit in the fall.

28. Fuzzy Kowhai

Botanical Name: Sophora microphylla

A New Zealand native, this tree boasts striking yellow flowers that attract birds, especially the native Tui. It’s a symbol of spring in its homeland and is loved for its natural beauty and ecological value.

29. Fujian Cypress

Botanical Name: Fokienia hodginsii

This rare conifer produces aromatic wood that finds its uses in traditional crafts and furniture. The foliage emits a pleasant scent, making it a sought-after choice for private gardens.

30. Forest Acacia

Botanical Name: Acacia melanoxylon

This tall, fast-growing tree is prized for its hard and durable wood, widely used in furniture making. Its ecological versatility makes it a common choice for reforestation projects and as a windbreak.

31. Firewheel Tree

Botanical Name: Stenocarpus sinuatus

The Firewheel Tree is aptly named for its fiery red, wheel-shaped flowers that create a spectacular display. The bright red blooms create a stunning display, attracting pollinators and adding color to gardens.

32. Frosty Pink Chinese Fringe Tree

Botanical Name: Chionanthus retusus ‘Frosty Pink’

This ornamental tree is a marvel with its ‘frosty’ pink flowers that bloom in spring, offering a softer color palette compared to the traditional white fringe tree.

33. Foxglove Tree

Botanical Name: Paulownia tomentosa

The Foxglove Tree is a rapid grower that produces purple foxglove-like flowers. Its wood is lightweight yet strong, often used in making musical instruments and fine furniture.

34. False Acacia

Robinia pseudoacacia

Botanical Name: Robinia pseudoacacia

Popular as Black Locust, this tree is prized for its durable, rot-resistant wood, ideal for outdoor furniture and fencing. In spring, it boasts clusters of fragrant white flowers, adding beauty to its surroundings.

35. Flame Tree

Tall Brachychiton acerifolius

Botanical Name: Brachychiton acerifolius

Native to Australia, the Flame Tree produces fiery red flowers that cover the tree when it’s leafless. It’s a popular ornamental tree in warm climates, loved for its dramatic flowering.

36. Fringe Myrtle

Beautiful Agonis flexuosa

Botanical Name: Agonis flexuosa

This Australian native is popular for its weeping habit and peppermint-scented leaves. With small white flowers and an attractive form, it finds a prominent place in landscaping.


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