7 Reasons and Solutions for Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Are those beautifully fenestrated Monstera leaves turning yellow? We have listed the potential causes and their solutions to deal with them!

If you’re lucky enough to have a Monstera in your home, its impressive size and glossy leaves are definitely a matter of your pride! However, even this sturdy plant can face challenges, like Monstera leaves turning yellow or drooping down, which might have you worried. But don’t stress—we’ve got you covered with the most common reasons for this issue and how to fix it!

Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow- Reasons And Solutions

1. Exposure to Harsh Sunlight


Monsteras are natural sun-sifters, not sunbathers. They love bright, indirect light, but too much sun can affect the most exposed parts of the foliage. This yellowing typically appears as uneven blotches or sunburnt spots, especially on the ones that are closer to the light source.

How To Fix?

Scoot your plant to a location with bright, indirect light. However, avoid direct sunlight exposure by covering it with sheer curtains or blinds to diffuse it and prevent leaf scorch.

2. Improper Watering


Finding the right watering balance is often a challenge that most people fail to maintain. Underwatered Monsteras lose turgor (cellular pressure) and display yellowing leaves as a desperate plea for moisture. It manifests as pale yellow, starting from the tips and margins, progressing inward. The yellowing is often uniform across the affected leaves.

Conversely, overwatering suffocates roots, hindering nutrient uptake. This shows as more generalized yellowing with a splotchy appearance. This yellowing might be accompanied by black or brown spots on the leaves, further indicating root rot.

How To Fix?

Stick your finger in the soil—if it’s dry an inch down, it’s watering time. To avoid soggy roots, let the pot drain completely while watering.

3. Lack of Essential Nutrients

Monstera Nutrients Feeding

Monsteras, like all plants, are hungry for nutrients to fuel vibrant green growth, a lack of which can result in yellow leaves. The most common nutrient deficiencies include:

  • Nitrogen: Older leaves turn yellow first, starting from the tips and margins, gradually spreading inward. The plant’s overall growth also slows down.
  • Potassium: Yellowing occurs at the edges of older leaves, which may also display brown edges or tips and appear wilted.
  • Magnesium: Again, the older leaves are affected by yellow patches between the veins, which remain green, giving a checkered appearance. The patches start at the base of the leaf and progress outward.
  • Iron: Newer leaves turn yellow first, with very little green around the veins. This condition is known as interveinal chlorosis.
  • Manganese: This is similar to iron deficiency, with yellowing between the veins, but it affects young leaves more rapidly. Small, brownish spots may also appear on the leaves.

How To Fix?

Monsteras don’t really need specific feeding and would do well with a diluted balanced fertilizer boost every 4-6 weeks in the warmer months. However, take care of the plant’s nitrogen needs and feed the plant a nitrogen-rich feed to revert its lushness.

4. Fluctuations in Temperature & Humidity

Monsteras hail from the dappled light and humid environments of rainforests. Sudden drops in temperature (below 60°F) can turn the leaf edges and tips yellow, moving inward. If the air in your home tends to be way too dry, the yellowing may be accompanied by browning at the tips and edges, reflecting the plant’s inability to retain moisture.

How To Fix?

Maintain consistent warmth (ideally 60–85°F) for your Monstera. If your home gets chilly at night, consider a small space heater or grow lights. Increase humidity by using a pebble tray or running a humidifier near the plant.

Hot Tip: You can create a microclimate for your plants by grouping moisture-loving ones together. This mini-jungle atmosphere allows them to happily share the moisture they release, benefiting everyone in the group.

5. Transplant Shock


Transplant shocks are pretty common, especially in fully grown or baby Monsteras. They appear as sudden yellowing of leaves just after repotting, mostly accompanied by wilting. You might notice the leaves droop or turn limp, and in some cases, slowed growth or a halt in new leaf production.

It occurs because the roots are disturbed or damaged during the repotting process, temporarily impairing the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients effectively.

How to Fix?

Be gentle during the repotting process to minimize root damage. Water the plant thoroughly before and after repotting. Keep the plant in a stable environment and avoid fertilizing for at least a month to allow recovery.

6. Pest Infestation

Sap-sucking pests like spider mites or mealybugs can target your Monstera, causing scattered light yellow dots or streaks on leaves, with possible fine webbing or white cottony substances.

How To Fix?

Inspect plants regularly and isolate the affected plant at the first sign of pests. Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing soap to a liter of water with 5-10 drops of neem oil. Shake the solution well and spray on the undersides of the leaf or along the petiole.

Gently wipe off the solution later with a clean cloth to avoid any potential infection.

7. Natural Aging

Like all living things, Monstera leaves have a finite lifespan, so embrace the process. Older lower leaves naturally turn yellow and drop off as the plant puts its energy into new growth higher up.

How To Fix?

If only a few older lower leaves are yellowing, it’s likely a natural leaf drop. Simply snip them off at the base with clean pruning shears. This allows your Monstera to focus its energy on thriving new growth.

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