14 Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas

Bag over a million likes on your feed with these easy yet practical Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas!

There is no such thing as “too many houseplants.” But when your home feels more like an untamed jungle, it might be time to rethink your plant arrangement strategy. These Insta-worthy houseplant display ideas are perfect for organizing and showcasing your green beauties in the most stunning way possible!

Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas

1. Frame Various Foliar Plants Together Against a Dark Wall

Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas

Set up various leafy plants against a dark background to create a gram-worthy corner. Experiment with different foliage shapes and growing habits for a natural artwork that would stand out!

2. Set Up a Vertical Swing Garden

Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas

Why not add a little motion to your plant display? Hang your plants from ceilings on platforms that sway gently. In fact, you can sway them a bit for an exciting reel to catch the eye of anyone scrolling through their feed.

3. Mix n Match Potted, Hanging, and Trailing Plants

Insta-Worthy Houseplant Display Ideas

Use shelves for potted plants, hooks for hanging ones, and let trailing plants drape beautifully over the edges. This mix-and-match approach adds layers and texture to your space, making every corner Instagram-ready.

4. Grace Up a Plant Stand with Potted Ceramics

Houseplant Display Ideas

After experimenting to find just the right spot for your houseplant to bask in “bright, indirect sunlight,” why not make the most of this prime location? You can do exactly that by setting up a tiered shelf, placing your plants on this ideal perch, and arranging the others right next to it on similar shelves.

5. Set up a Potted Trellis as a Centerpiece

Houseplant Display Ideas

A picture of this potted trellis with a lush vine will fetch over a thousand likes on IG! Take a step towards creativity and try your hands on some DIYs.

6. Flaunt Your Collection on a Huge Plant Shelf

Houseplant Display Ideas

If you love everything just so perfect, this houseplant display idea is right up your alley—and it’ll look fantastic on your Instagram, too! Arrange all your houseplants on an open shelving unit to showcase them in all their glory and watch those likes roll in!

7. Create a Boho Plant Nook

Houseplant Display Ideas

If you’re as obsessed with the bohemian aesthetic as we are (seriously, try to convince us there’s anything cooler), then it’s time to embrace it fully. Pick up some handmade, sustainable planters and arrange your houseplants to create your very own boho nook.

8. Display a Tall Statement Making Plant in the Corner of Your Living

Houseplant Display

If you don’t want to go overboard with the planning or creating an Insta-worthy houseplant display, just pick a comfy corner in your living room that gets enough light and place your favorite on a side table or pick out a floor planter.

9. Pothos Curtains!

Houseplant Display

Forget traditional curtains—let Pothos do the job! For a show-stopping, Instagram-ready look, start by planting them in a hanging planter near a window. Then, guide the vines along and down the curtain rod to craft a lush, green curtain that’s not just unique, but totally dreamy.

10. Get a Circular Vine Trellis

Houseplant Display

Just grab a long piece of sturdy wire and shape it into several concentric circles. Attach it to a wall and you’ve got yourself a trendy wall trellis. Now, just let your vines climb and wrap around it. It’s a simple DIY that adds a modern twist to your plant display!

11. A Lush and Healthy Pothos Stand

Houseplant Display

Who said simple is not good enough for social media? Choose a metal plant stand and let the foliage of your favorite plant grow out of it, making for a beautiful, lush green houseplant display.

12. Wake Up to Lush Greenery in Your Bedroom

Houseplant Display

How about waking up every morning in your own sanctuary that’s also perfect for your Insta feed? Line up some smaller plants on a shelf for a touch of and place a large, eye-catching houseplant in a floor planter for that picture-perfect corner!

13. Create an Insta-Worthy Dining Space

Insta-Worthy Houseplant

Sometimes your leafy friends deserve the spotlight more than your dinnerware, and that’s a perfect excuse to spruce up your dining area with some greenery! Fill every available shelf with your favorite plants, and for the larger ones, let them make a statement in floor planters.

14. Curate a Multi-Tiered Plant Stand

Insta-Worthy Houseplant

Now that we’ve seen how stunning simplicity can be, let’s take your houseplant collection to the next level with just a multi-tiered plant stand! You can neatly arrange all your potted plants on the stand for an eye-catching display. To round out the look, consider adding some floor planters or a rustic side table with trailing vines.

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