Growing Hoya Rosita Indoors

With fragrant star-shaped blooms, dark green foliage, and a unique trailing habit, Hoya Rosita is sure to win hearts!

Looking for a remarkable houseplant that not just exudes elegance but mists the air with a sweet, pleasing fragrance? That’s Hoya Rosita for you! Learn all about growing this fantastic houseplant with our comprehensive care guide!

  • A hybrid cross between Hoya wayetii x tsangii
  • Popular as— Hoya Rosita, Wax Plant
  • Prefers bright, indirect sunlight
  • Thrives in a temperature range of 65-85℉ or 18-29°C
  • Non-toxic to pets and humans

What is Hoya Rosita?

Growing Hoya Rosita Indoors 1

Hoya rosita, also known as wax plant, is a flowering epiphyte plant that belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It is native to the Philippines and is prized for its beautiful, star-shaped flowers and an attractive trailing growth habit. Oval, waxy leaves in emerald green and maroon edges are held on long climbing vines that look beautiful moving up a trellis or around a moss pole.

The plant’s low-maintenance nature and adaptability to a variety of light conditions make it an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Hoya Rosita Flower

The Hoya Rosita flowers are star-shaped with pink-red petals tipped in yellow and exude a subtly sweet, spicy aroma. Each flower consists of five petals that form a circular shape around a central star-shaped corona. This corona is often referred to as the “crown” of the flower and is adorned with intricate filaments that give the flower its stunning appearance.

Hoya Rosita Vs Hoya Wayetii

  • Leaves: Hoya rosita has thick, waxy leaves that are often a deep green color, while Hoya wayetii has more slender, elongated leaves that are typically a lighter shade of green with subtle variegation.
  • Flowers: Rosita blooms star-shaped flowers in brick-red, while Hoya wayetii has more bell-shaped flowers that typically have a mauve tint.
  • Growth Habit: Hoya Rosita tends to have a more compact growth habit, with the vines growing closer together and appearing denser. On the other hand, Hoya wayetii exhibits a more trailing or cascading growth habit, with longer and more spaced-out vines.

Ideal Pot Size

Choose the perfect pot size for your Hoya Rosita based on its current size, ensuring it’s slightly larger than the root ball to allow for growth. For young plants, opt for a 4-6 inch pot, and upgrade to a larger container as needed when the plant outgrows its current home, ensuring proper drainage to avoid waterlogging. Don’t forget to drill enough drainage holes at the bottom.

Hoya Rosita Propagation


Stem cutting is the most viable process for propagating a Hoya Rosita, which includes the following steps:

  • Cut a 4-5 inches long stem just below the leaf node using a sharp, sterile clipper. Remove any leaves from the bottom 1-2 inches of the stem, leaving one at the top.
  • Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone, brushing off the excess.
  • Fill a small pot or container with a well-draining cactus mix
  • Insert the cut end of the stem into the potting mix, burying the node fully. Firmly press the soil around the stem to hold it in place.
  • Water the medium lightly to moisten the soil, being careful not to overwater.
  • Place the pot in a bright, warm location with indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can be too harsh for the young stem.

Over the next few weeks, keep the soil lightly moist and monitor the cutting for signs of new growth. It will start to produce roots within 2-4 weeks of being planted in the soil. 

Hoya Rosita Care

Growing Hoya Rosita Indoors 2


For optimal growth, Hoya Rosita requires bright, indirect light. Position it near a window with filtered sunlight or employ a sheer curtain to achieve the perfect lighting conditions. Beware of direct sunlight, which can harm the leaves, and insufficient light, leading to yellowing and leaf loss.

East- or west-facing windows can be the plant’s happy place with a few hours of morning sun exposure. Alternatively, fluorescent or LED lights placed a few inches above the plant can also nurture its growth without causing any burn marks.


Hoya Rosita requires well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter and has a neutral to slightly acidic pH for robust growth. A combination of perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss is recommended for a well-draining soil mix. Alternatively, you can also go with a pre-formulated cactus or orchid mix to provide the right balance of nutrition, moisture retention, and aeration.


For optimal health of Hoya Rosita, watering is key. Aim to water once a week, when the top inch of soil feels dry, adjusting based on temperature and humidity. Use distilled or filtered room temperature water to avoid harmful minerals or chemicals. Either pour water into the soil or let the pot absorb moisture from a shallow dish.

During winter or dormancy, reduce the watering frequency to ensure the soil dries out a little more between waterings.

Temperature & Humidity

Hoya Rosita thrives in temperatures between 65-85℉ or 18-29°C, and it is important to keep it away from drafty windows, doors, or air conditioning vents as sudden temperature changes can be harmful to the plant.

Also, ensure maintain high humidity levels for the plant, ranging from 50% to 60%. If the humidity levels are too low, the leaves may start developing crispy edges. Using a humidifier, placing the plant in a pebble tray with water, or grouping the plants together to create a humid microclimate are some viable options you must try out.


To keep Hoya Rosita healthy and thriving, it needs a balanced fertilizer with an equal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The ideal fertilizer is a 10-10-10 ratio, which should be diluted to 1/4th strength. Apply fertilizers carefully and only during the growing season, which generally starts in the spring and ends in the early fall.

During the dormant season, which is typically from late fall to winter, fertilization should be reduced or stopped entirely. Organic fertilizers like compost or worm castings can also be used by adding a thin layer around the base of the plant and gently working them into the soil. However, ensure to not over-feed, as it can lead to yellowing of the leaves, root damage, or even the death of the plant.


Though Hoya Rosita is a slow-growing plant and does not spread invasively, it benefits from regular pruning. Trim back any leggy or overgrown vines to encourage bushier growth. Look for healthy nodes or leaf joints along the vine, and make clean cuts just above these points. Pruning can also help manage the plant’s size and shape, ensuring it fits well within its designated space. Always use clean, sterilized pruning tools to prevent the spread of diseases.

Know Everything About Growing Hoya Rangsan Indoors Here

Major Troubleshooting Tips

  • Wilting Leaves: The plant prefers consistently moist soil, and wilting leaves can indicate underwatering, so check the soil moisture regularly and water as needed.
  • Root Rot: Hoya Rosita is susceptible to root rot if overwatered, so make sure the soil is well-draining and water only when the top 1-2 inches of the medium feel dry. If you still find the plant showing black spots or fungal issues, cut back 1/4th of its roots and repot in fresh potting soil.
  • Webbing: A telltale sign of pest infestation. Trim the affected portions and treat the plant with neem oil or insecticidal soap solution.
  • Leggy Growth or Yellow Leaves: If the plant isn’t getting enough light, it may grow leggy, and the leaves may turn yellow or drop. Move the plant to a brighter location, but avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.

Where to Buy Hoya Rosita?

Hoya Rosita is a highly sought-after plant that is widely available at nurseries, garden centers, and online plant stores. You can start by checking with your local plant nursery or garden center to see if they carry Hoya varieties.

For those who prefer online shopping, many Etsy, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace can be good options. However, it is crucial to read reviews before making a purchase to ensure that the seller has a good reputation. You should also keep an eye out for plant sales in your area, where plant enthusiasts acquire their own propagated Hoya Rosita for Sale.

Always do your research and only buy from a reputable source to ensure a healthy and high-quality plant.

Learn Growing Fishtail Hoya Indoors Here

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