How to Grow Alocasia scalprum Indoors | Alocasia ‘Samar Lance’ Care Guide

With its captivating, lance-shaped leaves and striking gloss, Alocasia scalprum will stand out in any indoor garden!

Alocasia scalprum, also known as the Alocasia ‘Samar Lance’ is sure to make a statement in your indoor garden with its large, glossy, and architectural foliage. Discover the secrets of growing a thriving Alocasia scalprum with this extensive care guide!

  • Botanical Name: Alocasia scalprum
  • Popular as—Alocasia Samar Lance
  • Features exotic, narrow foliage of about 6-10 inches long
  • Requires high humidity to exhibit the shine on the foliage
  • Thrives under bright, indirect sunlight
  • Prefers a porous, well-aerated medium

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Alocasia scalprum Plant Profile

Alocasia scalprum boasts leaves that are the envy of all indoor plants. They are large, glossy, and shaped like arrows, ready to shoot down the blandness in your home. The large elephant ear-shaped leaves with intricate venation and a leathery texture are so full of personality that they’ll make you wonder if they’re actually made of velvet.

Native to the Samar islands of Phillipines, the plant stands at the height of 2-3 feet, commanding attention with its unique appearance. However, the plant’s low-maintenance needs make it the first preference of new plant parents.

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Ideal Pot Size

When it comes to finding the perfect pot for your Alocasia scalprum, size matters! Provide a pot that gives enough room for the roots to spread—preferably one size bigger than the plant’s root ball. While starting out, an 8-10 inches pot will be good enough. As the plant grows, move it into a 1-2 sizes larger pot.

Terracotta pots, woven pot covers, glossy ceramics—the options are endless to complement your Alocasia ‘Samar Lance’s beauty. Ensure enough holes at the bottom to aid drainage.

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Propagating Alocasia scalprum Indoors


Propagating Alocasia Scalprum by rhizome division is a simple and effective method to produce multiple plants from one parent plant.

  • Look for a robust plant with healthy green leaves and no signs of disease or pest damage.
  • Carefully dig up the parent plant and gently shake off any excess soil and look for large rhizomes that have developed along the base of the plant.
  • Using a sharp, clean knife, divide the rhizomes into smaller sections, each with a few healthy leaves and roots attached.
  • Place the divided rhizomes in a well-draining potting mix and water thoroughly.
  • Keep the soil moist and locate it at a spot that receives bright, indirect sunlight and good air circulation.

In about 2-3 weeks, you will see new growth sprouting. At this point, you can reduce watering to every other week. And voila! Your little Alocasia Samar Lance baby is ready to take on the world!

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Requirements for Growing Alocasia scalprum Indoors



Alocasia scalprum loves to soak up the sun—just not too much! Exposure to direct sunlight will burn the leaves, turning them brown and dull, losing that sharp and edgy appearance. The ideal light conditions for this plant are bright, indirect light, preferably near a window with filtered light or under a sheer curtain.

The northern or eastern windows can be the plant’s happy place with a few hours of morning sunlight.


The trick to growing stunning, razor-edged Alocasia scalprum is to get a medium that retains moisture without making it soggy. Grow the plant in a well-draining, moist medium with a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6-7.5. The ideal blend would be equal parts of peat moss and perlite enriched with a handful of compost.


This tropical plant prefers to be kept evenly moist but not soaking wet. The rule of thumb is to water when the top inch of soil is dry, depending on the weather conditions. To hit the perfect balance, follow a deep watering session every week and let the water drain away, wetting the medium thoroughly.

Temperature & Humidity

Native to the tropics, Alocasia scalprum thrives in warm temperature conditions— the ideal range is 65-85 F or 18-30 C. If your place experiences temperatures below 55 F or 13 C, keep the plant away from windows or use heat lamps to induce some warmth. Locate the plant away from heat or cold drafts to avoid temperature fluctuations.

To exhibit the best foliage, ensure the plant gets a minimum of 50-70% humidity indoors. Consider misting the plants or using a humidifier to compensate for the drier days.

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Alocasia scalprum Care



The plant doesn’t require regular fertilizing to feed its appetite if grown in a nutrient-rich medium. However, you may shower the medium with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to 1/4th its strength every 3-4 weeks during the spring and summer. Keep from fertilizing in the colder months as that will burn the foliage due to salt build-up in the soil.

Pests and Diseases

Some common houseplant pests include spider mites, mealybugs, and scales, which can be controlled through regular inspections and prompt treatment with a pesticide. It’s important to avoid overwatering to prevent fungal diseases such as root rot, which can be caused by poorly draining soil or excessive humidity levels.

Regular cleaning of the leaves with a damp cloth can also help prevent fungal growth.

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