Homalomena Emerald Gem Care Guide

Want to enjoy the beauty of the tropics without shedding sweat in tending the plant? Homalomena Emerald Gem will help you with just that!

Member of the Araceae family, Homalomena Emerald Gem is native to the tropics of Southern Asia and the South-East Pacific. Prized for large, ornamental leaves and low-maintenance nature, this plant will liven your home with its presence. Learn all about growing it with our comprehensive care guide!

  • Botanical Name: Homalomena rubescens ‘Emerald Gem’
  • Common Names: Emerald Gem Plant, Queen of Hearts Homalomena, Shield Plant
  • Attains a height of about 1-2 feet indoors
  • Prefers direct and indirect sunlight
  • Thrives in a temperature range between 65°F and 80°F (18°C and 27°C)
  • Toxic if ingested by humans and pets

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What is Homalomena Emerald Gem?

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The Homalomena Emerald Gem is an attractive tropical houseplant renowned for its lush, heart-shaped, glossy leaves in a vibrant emerald green color, hence the name. The leaves are arranged in a rosette pattern, creating a dense, bushy appearance that adds a touch of the tropics to any indoor space. The plant typically grows to a moderate size, usually reaching a height of about 1-2 feet, while its thick, sturdy stems can support the weight of the large leaves, which can grow up to 12 inches long.

The plant’s aesthetic appeal and compact height makes it a fantastic addition for tabletops, work desks, or floor display.

Homalomena Emerald Gem Variegated

Homalomena Emerald Gem Variedated is prized for its foliage that exhibits green and white marbled or mottled patterns. The variegation can be more or less pronounced depending on the lighting conditions and the age of the plant.

Just like the non variegated plant, the variegated cultivar prefers similar growing conditions. However, as the variegation can cause the plant to have less chlorophyll, it may require slightly more light to thrive than the standard Homalomena emerald gem plant.

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Homalomena Emerald Gem Flowers

This tropical evergreen is primarily known for its lush, glossy foliage, but it can also produce flowers, although this is a relatively rare occurrence, especially when grown indoors. The Homalomena Emerald Gem Flowers are not particularly showy or decorative. They are small, creamy-white spathes, similar to peace lily flowers, which grow from the base of the plant and usually appear in the warmer months. While the flowers are not the main attraction, they can add an interesting element to the plant when they do appear.

Ideal Pot Size

Homalomena Emerald Gems have a moderate growth rate and typically prefer to be slightly root-bound, so it’s always good to choose a pot that is slightly bigger than the plant’s root ball. A 4-6 inches pot is usually adequate for a small to medium-sized plant, while larger plants may require a pot with a diameter of 10–12 inches or more. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

Homalomena Emerald Gem Propagation

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shutterstock/Andi WG

Root Division is an easy propagation technique that involves dividing a mature Homalomena Emerald Gem rhizome into smaller sections, each with its own roots and stems. Here’s a detailed procedure:

  • Remove the plant from its pot and gently shake off any excess soil to expose the roots.
  • Use a sterilized, sharp knife or gardening shear to divide the root ball into two or more sections carefully. Each section should have a few stems and leaves, as well as a healthy root system.
  • Plant each section in individual pots filled with fresh, well-draining soil.
  • Water each newly potted plant thoroughly and place it in a bright, indirect-light location.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and avoid exposing the new plants to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

The new plants should begin to show new growth within a few weeks, and soon you’ll have multiple healthy Emerald Gem Homalomenas in your collection.

Homalomena Emerald Gem Care



Homalomena Emerald Gem thrives in bright, indirect light, which means they need enough sunlight to grow but not so much that it damages their leaves. In their natural habitat, these plants grow under the canopy of taller trees, which provides them with filtered, indirect light. To mimic this environment, place your plant near a north or east-facing window that gets a few hours of bright morning sunlight and shade throughout the day.

They can tolerate lower light conditions but will not grow as quickly or vibrantly as they would in a few hours of brighter light.


These plants prefer a slightly acidic and well-draining soil mix that retains moisture but does not become waterlogged. The ideal growing mix will be a combination of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. It will provide the necessary drainage and moisture retention while also offering the plant the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.


Emerald Gem Homalomena prefers consistently moist soil but does not tolerate waterlogging. This can be achieved by watering the plant deeply once a month, allowing the excess water to drain out from the bottom. Let the top inch dry out before repeating the process to prevent the chances of overwatering. The frequency of watering will depend on factors such as the size of the pot, the humidity level, and the amount of light and heat your plant is receiving.

However, you must be careful during the plant’s dormancy in winter and let the medium dry out a little more between waterings.

Temperature & Humidity

Being a tropical native, the plant thrives in warm and humid conditions. It prefers temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C and 27°C) during the day and around 60°F and 65°F (15°C and 18°C) at night. These plants can tolerate temperatures slightly outside this range, but extreme heat or cold can stunt their growth or even kill the plant.

Additionally, Emerald Gem plants love high humidity levels but can do pretty well in average household environments. In case your place experiences extended dry spells, mist the leaves or place a pebble tray to keep the plant healthy.


To keep your Homalomena Emerald Gem plant vibrant and healthy, regular fertilization is key. Use a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 20-20-20, ideally once a month during the plant’s growing season, from spring through early fall. Make sure to dilute the feed to one-fourth its strength to avoid salt burn in the medium.

In winter, when growth slows, you can reduce or even stop fertilizing. Also, remember to apply the fertilizer to moist soil, never when it’s dry, to protect your plant’s roots from nutrient stress.

Major Troubleshooting Tips

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  • Yellowing or Wilting leaves: Majorly a sign of overwatering or underwatering. Check the soil moisture level and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. If the soil is waterlogged, repot the plant in fresh soil.
  • Brown Tips on Leaves: Brown tips on leaves can be a sign of dry air. Increase the humidity levels around the plant by misting it or placing a tray of water nearby. Cut back on fertilizing and make sure to dilute it properly before applying.
  • Pests: These plants can be susceptible to pests such as spider mites and mealybugs. Inspect the plant regularly and treat any infestations promptly with neem oil or insecticidal soap solution.
  • Slow Growth: It can be a sign of low light levels. Move the plant to a more lit location with bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Yellow or Burnt Leaves: Indicates overfertilization. During the dormant season, reduce or stop fertilizing to prevent salt buildup in the soil.

Where to Buy Homalomena Emerald Gem?

The Homalomena Emerald Gem plant is a popular indoor plant, making it widely available at many local nurseries and garden centers. It’s always a good idea to call ahead and check if they have it in stock. If you prefer shopping online, numerous specialized online plant stores and general e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Etsy often carry this plant. Just make sure to check the seller’s reviews and the plant’s condition before purchasing.

Finally, plant swap groups or events in your local community may list Homalomena Emerald Gem for Sale. Always remember, regardless of where you buy, to ensure that the plant looks healthy with vibrant green leaves and no signs of pests or diseases.

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