30 Best Greek Flowers | Flowers in Greek Mythology

Discover the Best Greek Flowers that exude sheer elegance and liven any space with a sweet floral fragrance!

With their vivid hues and evocative fragrances, Greek Flowers not just look beautiful but carry symbolic meanings rooted in ancient myths and stories. Explore the best varieties below!

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Best Greek Flowers

1. Peony

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Botanical name: Paeonia parnassica

Native to Greece, this peony boasts stunning magenta petals surrounding a golden center. The ancient Greeks believed peonies could provide protection from evil spirits and cure various illnesses.

2. Aster

Botanical name: Michaelmas daisies

This Flower in Greek Mythology is named after the goddess Astraea, which means star. This further refers to the star-shaped flowers of Aster, ranging from purple to pink or white.

3. Hyacinths

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Botanical Name: Hyacinthus

Mythologically, born from the blood of the Greek god Apollo’s beloved, Hyacinth, these spring-blooming bulbs exhibit vibrant hues and a strong, sweet fragrance. These Greek Flowers produce clusters of vibrant blooms on tall spikes.

4. Oleander

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

Pervasive in the Mediterranean region, including Greece, Oleanders present slender leaves with clusters of pink, red, or white flowers. The leaves are light green and very glossy when young, maturing to a dull dark green.

5. Persian Violet

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Botanical Name: Cyclamen

These delicate Greek Flowers, common in the Mediterranean, bear heart-shaped leaves and sweet-scented pink to white flowers. In ancient potions, they were thought to induce love and passion.

6. Sea Daffodil

Botanical Name: Pancratium maritimum

Native coastal flower, the sea daffodil boasts striking white blooms and thrives on sandy shores. Its dark-green strap-like leaves remain green through the winter months but sometimes turn brown just as the flowers open.

7. Iris

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Botanical Name: Iris

The Iris flower comes from the goddess of the rainbow, who also happens to be a messenger of the Greek Gods. The petals resemble a classic fleur-de-lis symbol, with some petals rising up while others cascade down.

8. Anemone

Botanical Name: Anemone

Anemones, particularly the red ones, are believed to have sprung from the tears of Aphrodite over the death of Adonis. They’re often associated with protection against evil and bloom in vibrant shades of purple, red, and pink.

9. Daphne

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Botanical Name: Daphne odora

Legend speaks of the nymph Daphne turning into a laurel tree to escape Apollo’s pursuit. Its sweet-smelling blossoms and evergreen leaves are symbolic of eternal love and protection.

10. Daffodil

Botanical Name: Narcissus

With a story rooted in Greek mythology, Narcissus was a youth who fell in love with his reflection, leading to the birth of the bright yellow flowers by water edges. They’re emblematic of rebirth, new beginnings, and unrequited love.

11. Venus’ Looking Glass

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Botanical Name: Triodanis perfoliata

Campanula, deriving its name from “little bell” in Latin, showcases bell-shaped blue, purple, or white flowers. It’s associated with Venus, the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

12. Sunflower

Botanical Name: Helianthus

The sunflower’s radiant yellow petals resemble the sun. In Greek mythology, Clytie, a water nymph, was turned into a sunflower after grieving the loss of her love, Helios (the sun god), and is said to always face him as he moves across the sky.

13. Orchid

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Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

The name “orchid” comes from the Greek word “orkhis,” referring to the plant’s tuberous roots. Orchids are associated with virility and fertility in ancient Greek culture. They are diverse in color and form, often with intricate, fragrant blooms.

14. Red Poppy

Botanical Name: Papaver rhoeas

Associated with Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, the red poppy symbolizes sleep, peace, and remembrance due to its sedative properties. Its vibrant red petals emerge in fields, painting them in bright crimson hues during blooming seasons.

15. Lilac

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Botanical Name: Syringa

Deriving its name from the Greek word “syrinx” meaning tube, lilacs boast fragrant clusters of blooms in colors ranging from white and pink to deep purple. They often symbolize renewal and fresh beginnings.

16. Lily

Botanical Name: Lilium

In Greek mythology, the lily is said to have been born from the milk of Hera, the queen of the gods. Its pristine trumpet-shaped blossoms come in shades of white, yellow, and pink, among others. Lilies represent purity, rebirth, and motherhood.

17. Chrysanthemums

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Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums derive their name from the Greek words “chrysos” (gold) and “anthemon” (flower). Their blooms can vary from daisy-like to pompom-shaped and come in various colors. These flowers hold profound symbolism in the world of tattoo artistry.

18. Protea

Botanical Name: Protea

Though not endemic to Greece, their name is derived from the Greek god Proteus, known for his ability to change form. These flowers have large, unique blooms with spiky petals that can vary in color.

19. Yarrow

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Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium

Tied closely to Greek mythology, Yarrow is named after the hero Achilles, who used it to treat his soldiers’ wounds during the Trojan War. It has delicate, feathery leaves and produces clusters of tiny, often yellow, white, or pink flowers.

20. Cistus

Botanical Name: Cistus

Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, including Greece, the Cistus presents papery, often white or pink flowers. Known as the rock rose, its resin was historically used as a fragrance in ancient cultures.

21. Amaryllis

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Botanical Name: Amaryllis

In Greek myths, Amaryllis was a shepherdess who loved a cold-hearted gardener. She pierced her heart to create a beautiful flower to win his love. It showcases bold, trumpet-shaped blooms in various colors, particularly red and white.

22. Aconite

Botanical Name: Aconitum

A plant connected to ancient Greece, it’s associated with the deadly venom of the Lernaean Hydra in the tales of Hercules. It has hooded blue or purplish flowers that are highly toxic.

23. Centaurea

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Botanical Name: Centaurea

Named after the centaurs in Greek mythology, it’s said Chiron, a centaur, used the flower to heal wounds. This genus includes flowers like the cornflower, with its striking blue petals.

24. Crocus

Botanical Name: Crocus

Crocus, especially the saffron crocus, has its roots in Greek mythology. Associated with the story of Crocus and Smilax, it transforms into a flower with vibrant hues, often lilac or deep purple, and sometimes yielding saffron.

25. Delphinium

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Botanical Name: Delphinium

Named after the Greek word “delphis,” meaning dolphin, due to the shape of its closed flower buds resembling a dolphin. It’s linked to the Greek god Apollo and is known for its tall spikes of blue, purple, or white flowers.

26. Althaea

Botanical Name: Althaea officinalis

The roots of this plant were once used to create the original marshmallow confection in ancient Greece. The plant showcases soft pink flowers and has been historically used for its medicinal properties.

27. Hellebore

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Botanical Name: Helleborus

Not a true rose, these Greek Flowers have connections to ancient Greece, especially in the tale of Melampus, who used it as a remedy for madness. The flowers bloom in winter, presenting cup-shaped flowers in shades of white, green, or purplish-black.

28. Gladiolus

Botanical Name: Gladiolus

Though not originating from Greece, this flower derives its name from the Latin word “gladius,” meaning sword, referring to its sword-shaped leaves. They produce tall spikes of brightly colored flowers.

29. Moly

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Botanical Name: Poecilia sphenops

Moly is a mythical herb mentioned in the “Odyssey” by Homer. These Greek Flowers produce clusters of golden yellow flowers atop sword-like dark green foliage.

30. Lotus

Botanical Name: Poecilia sphenops

Lotus is a delicate aquatic flower with layered petals in shades of pink or white. Lotus, in Greek mythology, is associated with the “Lotus-eaters,” a group of people who consumed the sedative fruits and flowers of the lotus.

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