19 Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

These ways to display plants without pots will help you fill up those vertical spaces and bland corners in style!

If you are high on creativity and want to sprinkle its trinkets over your garden, try these fantastic ways to display plants without pots!

Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

1. Mount a Group of Succulents on a Vertical Plank

Creative Ways to Display Plants

Choose a variety of succulents for texture and color contrast, and attach them using mesh or small pots secured to the plank. You can also include a few houseplants for lush contrast.

2. Create Your Own Vertical Plant Propagation Center

Creative Ways to Display Plants

Set up a DIY vertical propagation center using clear glass tubes or jars mounted in wooden frames and nestle the cuttings in it. You can also use this idea to display houseplants that easily survive in water.

3. Suspend Airplants on Stones

Creative Ways to Display Plants

Mount airplants on stones at an elevated height with thin fishing lines to create a floating garden effect. Arrange them at various levels to add depth to this idea.

4. Grow Herbs in Mason Jars

Creative Ways to Display Plants

Mason jars can be fantastic alternatives to traditional pots that can be recycled right from your pantry and lined on the windowsill or a sunny kitchen counter.

5. Grow Herbs and Flowers in Corked Tumblers

Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

Use glass tumblers topped with cork stoppers for a modern touch to your collection.

7. Display Your Plants in Closed Terrariums

Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

Terrariums make for super functional and self-contained pot-free solutions for small humidity-loving plants that don’t even require regular tending every now and then.

8. Curate a Large Succulent Frame

Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

If you are short on space, a vertical garden setup should be your pick. Assemble a variety of succulents within a large wooden frame using some woodworking essentials and display a living craft of your own like this.

9. Group a Few Succulents in a Hand Shaped Concrete Planter

Creative Ways to Display Plants Without Pots

While technically using a planter, you can mimic the feel of a pot-free display by using a hand-shaped concrete planter to group your collection.

10. Root a Pothos Vine in a Glass Bottle

Display Plants Without Pots

Skip the pot and place a pothos vine in a clear glass bottle filled with water. You can also create with its display like this.

11. Mount Some Houseplants on a Driftwood

Mount Some Houseplants on a Driftwood

Attach some air plants and succulents to a piece of driftwood, using it as a natural mounting board for that creative yet polished look.

12. Root a Vibe in Foraged Trunk for that Rustic Look

Display Plants Without Pots

Use a hollowed-out trunk as a natural container to root a vine for a sustainable alternative to those outdated pots.

13. Airplants can Sit Almost Anywhere

Plants Without Pots

Airplants don’t require soil; hence, they can be lodged anywhere from rock gardens to drifted wood pieces or even attached to refrigerator magnets.

14. House Succulents in Upcycled Cans

Ways to Display Plants

Give old cans a new life by growing mini succulents in them. Simply clean them out, add some pebbles for drainage, and your succulents will be happy in their chic, eco-friendly, pot-free homes.

15. Grow Herbs in Vertical Wooden Pallets

Ways to Display Plants

Create an eye-catching vertical garden by planting herbs in the slots of a wooden pallet. Stand it upright in your garden or against your balcony wall for a space-saving alternative to growing herbs.

16. Refurbish a Birdbage

Ways to Display Plants

Fill an old birdcage with soil-less plant varieties like airplants or trailing vines that can hang through the bars, or guard the gaps with cardboard to fill them with some medium for rooting some shallow-rooted plants.

17. Suspend an Airplant Upside Down

Ways to Display Plants

Challenge the norms by hanging airplants upside down from the ceiling or a shelf, making for a unique conversation starter right in your living!

18. Grow ‘Em in Cups

Ways to Display Plants

Cups and mugs can become the perfect pot-free planting solution for small plants like herbs and small flowers or succulents. Just add a bit of soil or keep them hydroponic to ditch the hassle of drilling holes.

19. Mount a Staghorn Fern on the Wall

Staghorn Fern on the Wall

Nothing beats the creativity of mounting a staghorn fern on a wall using a moss sheet, twine, and a sturdy wooden board like this.

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