9 Indoor Flowering Bulbs

Propagating indoor flowering bulbs is surprisingly simple, especially when you choose the right variety to start with!

Oftentimes, it so happens that particular plants produce seeds that are difficult to germinate or that the plant does not even produce seeds. In that case, how do you propagate such a plant? The answer is bulbs! Many flowering plants produce bulbs that store energy every season and thus, keep producing flowers yearly, making for excellent houseplants to keep on windowsills and balconies.

Indoor Flowering Bulbs

1. Amaryllis

Indoor Flowering Bulbs 1

Botanical Name: Amaryllis

Amaryllis are loved for their bright trumpet-shaped flowers that grow on leafless talks or scapes up to 1 or 2 feet long. You can either get the bulbs from a garden center or plant them in a well-draining medium. Water the bulb sparingly until you see the stalk, then increase watering as the flower develops.

2. Daffodils

Indoor Flowering Bulbs 2

Botanical Name: Narcissus pseudonarcissus

Also known as narcissus, daffodils are quite easy to grow and flower during spring from bulbs. This flowering plant with trumpet-shaped flowers, mostly seen in yellow, multiplies quickly and returns to bloom every spring year after year.

3. Crocus

Indoor Flowering Bulbs 3

Botanical Name: Crocus sativus

Though the crocus does not emerge from “bulbs” strictly, it emerges from bulb-like structures, the right name for which would be “corms.” This flowering plant with small cup-shaped flowers also returns yearly for at least five years, growing from bulb-like structures.

4. Paperwhite Narcissus

Paperwhite narcissus

Botanical Name: Narcissus papyraceus

Though this flowering plant best grows outdoors, you can also grow the bulb indoors in a vase or shallow bowl, covering only the top with water. It showcases densely packed clusters of all-white flowers with bright yellow stamens.

5. Grape Hyacinth

Grape hyacinth Bulbs

Botanical Name: Muscari armeniacum

The best part about the Muscari is that it is incredibly adaptable. As long as the soil is well-draining and they get enough water, these bulbs will thrive and multiply. Before you know it, you’ll have clusters of dense, urn-shaped flowers in a stunning shade of rich blue.

6. Freesia

Freesia Flowering Bulbs

Botanical Name: Freesia

Though versatile, freesias are not cold-hardy, so you would be better off planting their bulbs indoors while providing them with the optimum temperature. They are known for their beautifully scented funnel-shaped flowers, which are available in yellow, white, and pink.

7. Calla Lily

Calla Lily bulbs

Botanical Name: Zantedeschia aethiopica

When you plant them indoors and keep the roots a bit snug in their pot, they tend to thrive even more. This can even prompt your Calla lilies to flower at unexpected times throughout the year, not just during their typical late spring to summer blooming season, which lasts about 6 to 12 weeks. These trumpet-shaped flowers come in shades of yellow, purple, white, and pink.

8. Oxalis

Oxalis cutting

Botanical Name: Oxalis triangularis

Oxalis makes a lovely addition to any sunny windowsill with its delicate flowers in shades of white or pink. These bulbs are naturally small, making them perfect for potting. Just use some multipurpose compost, and you can start planting them indoors anytime from September to December.

9. Scilla

Scilla Flowering Bulbs

Botanical Name: Scilla siberica

Most loved for their white or blue flowering spring squills, Scilla can be grown indoors in both semi-shaded and fully sunny areas of your house. However, the soil must not dry up from direct sun, as the bulbs will shrivel.

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