17 Beautiful Pink and White Roses

Discover the most beautiful Pink and White Roses and add a romantic touch to your floral arrangements!

Do you love roses and want to shower your garden with its fascinating aroma? You are definitely in for a treat! We have listed the most gorgeous Pink and White Roses out there!

Discover some Beautiful Flowers that Look like Roses here

Pink and White Roses

1. Blush Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Blush Noisette’

A climbing rose bearing clusters of small, pale pink double blooms with a light fragrance. Hardy and disease-resistant, it enjoys a prolonged blooming season from late spring to early autumn. Grow the plant in well-drained soil and provide ample sunlight for the best blooms.

2. Seven Sisters Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa multiflora

Known for its clusters of small, multi-hued flowers ranging from white to deep pink, the Seven Sisters Rose is an invasive shrub. These Pink and White Roses earn their name from the seven shades of pink that appear in each flower cluster.

3. Fantin Latour Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Fantin Latour’

This old garden rose, known for its medium-pink blooms and strong fragrance, offers a single stunning bloom in late spring or early summer. Suitable for cooler climates, it prefers a sunny location with rich, well-draining soil.

4. Pierre de Ronsard Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Eden’

A romantic climbing rose with pale pink, full-bodied flowers flushed in white, this flower blooms in abundance throughout the growing season. The Pierre de Ronsard Rose is admired for its repeat blooming and subtle fragrance.

5. Moonstone Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Moonstone’

The Moonstone Rose is a true gem with its pristine white petals suffused with soft pink undertones. This Hybrid Tea Rose is undoubtedly one of the best Pink and White Roses for adding a romantic touch to flower bouquets.

6. Variegata di Bologna Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Variegata di Bologna’

A unique climber with fragrant, creamy white flowers streaked with pink; these Pink and White Roses bloom in flushes throughout the season. It’s favored for its resistance to disease and ability to thrive in various soil types, provided it receives adequate sunlight.

7. The Fairy Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘The Fairy’

The Fairy Rose, a polyantha variety, offers clusters of small, light-pink blooms that gradually fade to white. Its diminutive size and profuse flowering make it an excellent ground cover or container plant.

8. Bolero

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Meidelweiss’

Bolero, also known as ‘Meidelweiss’, showcases creamy-white petals with a subtle touch of pink at the center. Its classic hybrid tea shape and mild fragrance create an inviting aura around the place it blooms.

9. Boule de Neige

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Zephirine Drouhin’

‘Boule de Neige’, or ‘Zephirine Drouhin’, is a climbing rose that offers stunning clusters of Pink-white blossoms. Its thornless canes make it a joy to train on trellises or pergolas, enveloping the air with a delightful scent.

10. Lichfield Angel

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Lichfield Angel’

This David Austin rose variety exudes a strong myrrh fragrance and blooms in flushes throughout the season. Blooming in flushes from late spring to early autumn, it’s well-suited for mixed borders or standalone shrubbery.

11. Cinderella

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Cinderella’

Cinderella offers soft-pink, semi-double blossoms that gradually fade to a blush-white hue. This floribunda rose variety is known for its abundant flowering and resistance to disease, making these Pink and White Roses every gardener’s favorite.

12. Ballerina Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Ballerina’

A hybrid musk rose bearing clusters of small Pink and White flowers with a gentle honey scent. It’s a repeat bloomer, flowering from late spring to autumn, well-suited for hedges and borders.

13. Cecile Brunner Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Cécile Brünner’

Cecile Brunner, also known as the Sweetheart Rose, showcases tiny, clustered blooms in shades of pale pink and white. This polyantha rose variety has a charming appearance and a sweet fragrance that adds to its appeal.

14. Bonica Rose Bush

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Bonica’

Bonica Rose Bush offers clusters of small, soft-pink, and whitish blossoms that brighten up any landscape. This shrub rose variety blooms repeatedly throughout the season, creating a cheerful and vibrant display.

15. American Beauty Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘American Beauty’

American Beauty Rose boasts deep-pink, fully double blooms with white shades that exude classic elegance. This hybrid perpetual rose variety blooms in flushes throughout the season, emitting a strong and captivating fragrance.

16. Carefree Wonder Shrub Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Meipitac’

Carefree Wonder Shrub Rose lives up to its name with its easy-to-care nature. These beautiful clusters of semi-double, soft-pink blooms later fade to white and mist the air with a mild fragrance.

17. Jacques Cartier Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Jacques Cartiér’

An old Portland rose known for its large, pale pink to white blooms with a strong, delightful fragrance. It offers repeat blooming from late spring to autumn and is highly prized for romantic and vintage decorations.

Learn about the Beautiful Lavender Roses & Their Meaning here

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