5 Tricks to Grow an Endless Supply of Lavender Indoors to Allievate Stress & Anxiety

Do you want a plant with amazing benefits that is also easy to grow? Here’s how you can grow an endless supply of lavender indoors!

How to Grow an Endless Supply of Lavender Indoors 1

Riddle us this—which herb has major roles in medicine, cooking, and its calming fragrance? If you guessed lavender, you’re spot on! This easy-to-care-for plant isn’t just cherished for its soothing aroma that can improve your sleep, but it’s also valued for its widespread uses in alternative medicine and culinary arts. To get an endless supply of this fantastic herb indoors, here are some tips you must follow!

How to Grow An Endless Supply of Lavender Indoors?

Let’s make it clear that there’s no one big secret to growing an abundant amount of lavender indoors. Rather, you got to follow some specific tricks that’ll ensure the plant grows prolifically:

1) Choose the Right Varieties

With over 450 varieties of lavender to choose from, finding the right one for your indoor garden can make all the difference if you’re after an endless supply.

For a start, the ‘Hidcote’ variety of English lavender is perfect for small spaces. Its compact size and beautiful deep purple flowers make it ideal for containers and those with limited space.

If you love having fresh flowers around, the ‘Kew Red’ cultivar of Spanish lavender is a fantastic choice. It grows vigorously and is perfect for cutting and displaying in vases. Alternatively, French lavender with its serrated leaves, is another great option for continuous indoor growth.

Just remember, French lavender isn’t edible, so keep it out of the kitchen!

2. Buy Transplants of Lavender Instead of Seed

The seeds can be notoriously tough to germinate and might take longer to sprout, let alone the endless supply you wish for. The trick here is to start with transplants, thus ensuring successful propagation. When you bring a new lavender plant home, make sure you have a container ready that’s a size or two larger than the root ball. If you’ve got tender seedlings, start off with a 4-inch container, which you can upgrade once the plant grows.

Initially, keep the roots snug but not overly tight, and give them a good watering once they’re planted. After that, water only after the soil feels completely dry to the touch.

3. Propagate the Cuttings Regularly

Lavender Propagate Cuttings

You cannot rely on just one plant if you want a continuous supply of lavender, especially to deal with anxiety.

For that, you must focus on multiplying it with semi-hardwood cuttings. These are the ideal parts of the plant, taken from mature, non-flowering stems that have just begun to harden. Late spring or early summer is the perfect time to snip off a 3-4 inch piece of these semi-hardwood segments.

Prepare your cutting by stripping leaves from the lower half and dipping the cut end into the rooting hormone to boost root growth. Then, plant it in a pot with well-draining soil, keeping it lightly moist. Initially place it in a spot with indirect sunlight and move it to a sunnier spot gradually.

4. Prune to Encourage Growth

Pruning is your secret weapon for keeping an endless supply of lavender. However, it must be done strategically.

Focus on the green, soft stems, which are actively growing and will respond well by generating new shoots. Avoid cutting into the woody base, as this part does not regenerate easily, and excessive cutting can cease its growth. Follow the rule of thumb for best results—prune about one-third of the plant’s height, that too, in early spring, to align with the plant’s natural growth cycle.

Pruning helps by encouraging new plant growth. When you trim a plant, it triggers a natural hormonal reaction, especially with auxins, which are plant growth hormones concentrated at the tips of the stems. By cutting these tips off, you prompt the plant to activate new growth from the side buds, leading to a fuller development.

5. Provide Ample Sunlight

Lavenders are true sunbathers and won’t tolerate negligence when it comes to needing enough sunlight. Though you may be planning to propagate lavender indoors, you need a sunny windowsill or an open balcony to meet its sunlight requirements. Opt for the south-facing window, or you will need to shift it to the patio for a minimum of 5-6 hours daily.

For those dull, cloudy days, consider getting a grow light placed at an arm’s distance for 10-12 hours daily. However, in the peak summers, its wise to keep an eye on its leaves and limit the exposure if they show any signs of sunburn.

How to Use Lavender to Relieve Stress and Anxiety?

The calming properties of lavender are quite evident in its massive usage in aroma therapies. However, that mainly entails using lavender essential oils that are either expensive or can be hectic to get in their purest form. Here are some tips on how you can use lavender directly from a plant to relieve the common stress symptoms:

  • Set fresh lavender bouquets in places where you spend time relaxing, like bedroom, living room, or maybe your reading nook. Its fragrance helps create a peaceful environment that can soothe your mind.
  • Add a handful of fresh or dried lavender to a pot of water and bring it to a simmer. The steam infused with lavender scent will permeate your home, creating a calming atmosphere that can alleviate stress and soothe headaches.
  • You can also crush fresh lavender flowers between your fingers to release the oils and gently rub them onto your temples or the nape of your neck. Combining the calming scent and the pressure can instantly make for a soothing experience.
  • Go a step further and create your own aromatic heat packs—fill fabric bags with a mix of dried lavender and flax seeds. Microwave these bags for a few minutes, then apply them to your shoulders or neck to help relax muscle tension and alleviate stress after a long day.
  • When lavender isn’t in season or not actively growing, you can still use it. Make small sachets filled with dried lavender and tuck them under your pillow, in your clothing drawers, or hang them in your closets. The scent of dried lavender is long-lasting and promotes relaxation.

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