11 Best Fig Varieties to Grow Indoors

These different Fig varieties not only reach towering heights but can also be grown indoors, in sunny spots of the house!

If, like a green thumb, you have a somewhat bluish-gray thumb, fret not! These Fig varieties have your back with their statement-making stature, yet easy care needs!

Best Fig Varieties to Grow Indoors

1. Sacred Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus religiosa

Known in many Eastern religions for its spiritual significance, the Sacred Fig is revered as the tree under which Buddha found enlightenment. When grown outdoors, it’s a towering tree, reaching heights between 10 and 100 feet, and is loved for its long-lived nature, sometimes surviving over 2,000 years.

The tree features arrow or heart-shaped leaves with long trailing tips and occasionally bears fruit that’s used in traditional medicine. It adapts well to indoor environments, even as a bonsai.

2. Mistletoe Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus deltoidea

This unique tree sports thick, round green leaves on top and golden underneath that look like mistletoes, especially with its year-round, light-green, non-edible fruits. Mistletoe Fig can grow as a small tree or a shrub, reaching up to 6 feet outdoors or staying compact in containers. It thrives in slightly drier conditions than other figs and is suitable for growing outdoors in warmer climates.

3. Indian Laurel

Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa

Often used as a hedge or a shade tree due to its dense foliage, Indian Laurel can reach up to 40 feet when grown outdoors. It’s commonly found lining streets in semi-tropical regions because of its ability to grow in rows and withstand heavy pruning, which helps maintain a straight, contained growth.

4. Common Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus carica

Ficus Carica, or the Common Fig, produces edible fruits that you may also find in the grocery stores around August. It is one of the varieties of Figs that is usually cultivated for its fruits. It is native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia and can grow up to 20-30 feet tall when grown outdoors.

It is also known for its lobed, large leaves and grown as an ornamental and fruit tree.

5. Audrey Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus audrey

Ficus Audrey is another popular kind of indoor ficus tree. With large leaves similar to the fiddle leaf fig tree, the leaves are rounded and thicker with a unique fuzzy texture. It is also called the Indian Banyan Tree and can reach up to 80-100 feet when grown outdoors. If there is enough sunlight, it can grow well indoors.

6. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata

Ficus Lyrata is also popular for the lyre or fiddle-shaped and large leaves that belong to Western Africa. It can grow up to 50-60 feet outdoors and usually up to 8-10 feet tall indoors. You can grow it indoors easily if your home receives enough sunlight daily.

7. Weeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina

It is native to tropical Asia and Australia and can grow up to 8-10 feet indoors. With pointed, oval-shaped, small leaves and graceful branches, you can allow this tree to branch out or prune it heavily and give it a lollipop shape. You can even braid the trunks, creating a unique, stunning look indoors.

8. Narrow-Leafed Fig

Best Fig Varieties

Botanical Name: Ficus longifolia

The Narrow-Leafed fig’s name comes from its lance-shaped, long leaves that gracefully point downwards. If you like the Weeping Fig, you will love this variety, too!

The tree’s new leaves begin to grow as red or pink and then turn into green; the smaller kinds can tolerate low light, too. However, it grows best in indirect sunlight and can grow up to 5-10 feet indoors in a container.

10. Rubber Plant

Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

The Rubber plant stands out with its oval-shaped, leathery leaves. It can range from maroon to dark green and also be found in some unique variegated kinds. It comes from the tropical parts of South and Southeast Asia and can be an easier plant to care for than its cousin Ficus Lyrata. It can grow up to 6-8 feet in a container when grown indoors.

11. Creeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila

This unusual ficus can grow well in vines that can climb onto other surfaces like fences and walls like Ivy. You can choose to grow this plant in hanging baskets, place it on a tabletop or shelf, or even as a topiary.

With small leaves and vines, it is difficult to identify them as a ficus tree. It can usually grow up to 10-15 feet long, and you can train it to grow to climb up a trellis or support it, or keep it heavily pruned to a desired height and shape.

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