7 Tricks to Grow Monstrously Big Ferns

Discover the master tricks to grow monstrously big ferns and cultivate your indoor mini jungle like a seasoned gardener!

Forget dainty maidenhairs and timid fiddleheads—learn these smart tricks to grow monstrously big ferns that’ll make your neighbors weep with envy! However, do remember that ferns are slow growers, and none of these tips will work overnight. Be patient and consistent with your strategies for best results.

How to Make Ferns Grow Big?

1. Pick Large, Sturdy Planters

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First things first—forget dainty ceramic planters. If you want a giant fern, you need to pick spacious pots. Opt for terracottas that are sturdy enough to anchor 8-foot fronds and breathable enough to prevent root suffocation. Large ferns have extensive root systems, and a bigger pot provides ample space for these roots to expand, preventing pot-boundness, which can stunt growth.

Plus they don’t like their roots to be disturbed often, so picking large containers set them a comfy environment for a long time to come. Aim for a pot at least one-third the diameter of your future fern’s leafy crown, somewhere around 16-20 inches.

2. Grow Big Fern Varieties

Varieties such as Sword fern, Australian Tree fern and Giant Water fern, grow incredibly long, upto 20-30 feet in the wild, which means they can easily reach a larger size as compared to other specimens indoors. Not only do these varieties grow exceptionally long but rapidly as well.

Choosing these species is a clever strategy if you want an extraordinary display of ferns, provided you meet their requirements. Go with Boston fern if you are planning to crown a large hanging basket. Staghorn ferns, too, show a behemoth appearance when mounted on the wall.

3. Feed them the Right Nutrients

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Big ferns demand appetites to match. Grow them in well-draining, compost-rich volcanic soil spiked with aged manure for that extra nutrient kick. Remember to add perlite for the required drainage.

Fertilize like a pro, diluting liquid fertilizer to half strength and showering your giants monthly during the growing season. But remember, overfeeding leads to crispy fronds and grumpy roots, so keep it balanced.

4. Consistent Moisture is the Trick

Fern fronds aren’t fans of desert vacations. They require humidity to grow those monstrous fronds you admire. Misting daily helps, but for extraordinary growth, creating a personal rainforest can do the trick. Fill a larger tray with pebbles and water, then plonk your pot on top. The evaporating water becomes a mini-monsoon, keeping your fern hydrated.

However, if you have picked a large container, it might already be holding excess water. In that case, check the soil first and water only if it feels dry to touch.

5. Balance Enough Sunlight with Shade

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Ferns are like sunbathing lizards but one with slightly more refined tastes. Bright, indirect sunlight is the sweet spot for those monstrous fronds—preferably east or north-facing windows. Too much direct sun scorches, while too little light stunts growth. Rotate your pot regularly for even exposure, and beware of drafts to avoid shocking the plant.

6. Grow a Couple of Them Together

Another trick to make your ferns fuller is to grow 2-3 of them together. This way, their fronds intertwine and create a lush, dense appearance. When planted in close proximity, ferns can also support each other in terms of humidity and shading.

Plus, the combined foliage helps maintain a microclimate around them, which supports their fuller growth. This method is especially effective for varieties that thrive in similar conditions.

However, ensure to pick the right sized container so that each fern has enough room to grow without competing for essential resources.

7. Keep Tending the Plant for Monstrous Growth

Grow Big Ferns

Ferns tend to lose their shine after a certain stage due to overcrowded roots. So, when it has reached your desired size and starts showing signs such as dry leaves or lost vibrancy, consider dividing it. Gently untangle the roots, remove any dead or compacted bits, and cut sections with enough stems and roots. Plant them in separate containers so each set has some extra space for growth.

Also, snip away brown or damaged fronds regularly. This encourages new growth and keeps your fern looking like a million bucks or, more accurately, a million emerald leaves.

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