19 Plants in Bathroom Ideas

With these creative design ideas and aesthetics, you can display your favorite plants in their full glory, even in the bathroom!

When we think about showcasing our indoor plant collection, we often consider the bedroom, living room, and even the dining room. However, we frequently overlook one particular space—the bathroom. It might sound a bit unconventional initially, but your humidity- and low-light-loving plants will be especially grateful for a spot in the bathroom.

Plants in Bathroom Ideas

1. Drape a Vine Over The Bathroom Mirror


Plants in Bathroom Ideas

If you are lucky enough to have a Pothos with lush vines, drape a few around your bathroom mirror for an elite contemporary look.

2. Hang Potted Vines Above the Bathtub

Plants in Bathroom Ideas

Use a wooden ladder to hang potted plants directly over your bathtub, and enjoy a relaxing shower after a long day!

3. Combine Shelves with Hanging Planters

Plants in Bathroom Ideas

Maximize the greenery without cluttering your space by combining existing shelves with hanging planters. This approach lets you layer your plant display vertically, making it a smart space-saver feature.

4. Drape a Pothos Around the Shower Head

Plants in Bathroom Ideas

For those wondering how to incorporate plants into the shower without overwhelming the space, try wrapping a Pothos vine around the shower head or holder for an organically designed look.

5. Place Some Potted Plants on the Dressing Shelves

Plants in Bathroom Ideas

Attach some simple wire basket-like floating shelves near your sink to hold your favorite plants in their little pots, enhancing your overall bathroom decor.

6. Let some Vines Dangle Over the Toiletries

Plants in Bathroom

Why not let some humidity-loving vines spill over the shelves in your bathroom? It’s a simple way to keep your bathroom looking fresh and vibrant.

7. Greenify the Shelves Over Your Bathtub

Plants in Bathroom

Keep your bath space decluttered and relaxing by having your favorite plants attached vertically to the wall in their planters. You could also include a shelf where you place a few of your bigger houseplants.

8. Fill Up the Corners

Plants in Bathroom

If you feel like you have a little more space to spare, get a multi-tiered floor planter where you could add a few plants from your indoor plant collection to beautify your bathroom decor.

9. Enjoy a Rustic Woody Vibe

 Bathroom Plants

Have Pinterest boards been having too much effect on your life lately? Bring that aesthetic into your bathroom by incorporating natural, woody elements, some rustic tiles, and a color scheme that makes it feel like you’re stepping into a forest.

10. Personalize a Mini Jungle of Your Own

 Bathroom Plants

While you may have many favorite plants in your indoor plant collection, there’s no reason why you can’t house them all in your restroom. Place the potted ones on the shelves and train the vining ones on the wall, creating a beautiful blend of both.

11. Frame Your Bathing Space With Creepers and Climbers

 Bathroom Plants

If you do not have the space to frame the entire wall with plants, you can still do so in the corners with some climbing vines for a gorgeous aesthetic.

12. Enhance Your Bathroom Decor With Lights and Plants

 Bathroom Plants

Scatter some plants around every nook and pair them with the gentle illumination of candles and tealights, perfect for those days when you need to unwind and leave the daily grind behind.

13. Create A Green Haven Around Your Bathtub

 Bathroom Plants Arrangement

How about having a lush fern dangling from a ceiling planter directly over your bathtub, surrounded by a variety of smaller plants in diverse planters at different heights.

14. Line An Assortment of Hanging Plants to Relax

 Bathroom Plants Arrangement

If an assortment of hanging plants is what floats your boat, this idea is for you!

15. Get Artistic With Painted Walls and Lush Plants

 Bathroom Plants Arrangement

Brighten up your bathroom with vibrant painted walls and complement them with lush, green plants. This colorful, artistic approach can instantly elevate your bathroom’s style and mood.

16. Let the Ferns Claim The Bathtub Nook

 Bathroom Plants Arrangement

Frame your bathtub with a couple of lush ferns to create a simple yet stunning focal point. Their lush, bushy fronds add a touch of nature’s own architecture to your bathroom, enhancing even the simplest of spaces with their freshness.

17. Embrace Sustainability With Handmade Planters

Arrangement Of Plants In Bathroom

Go green in every way by incorporating sustainable practices into your bathroom decor. Opt for handmade, eco-friendly planters like arching tiered shelves or woven baskets to house your plant collection.

18. Embrace a Contemporary Color Scheme with Pops of Green

Arrangement Of Plants In Bathroom

Modern design often plays with neutral tones, but adding pops of green can enliven any contemporary space just like this idea!

19. Go Minimalistic with Your Favorite Plants

Arrangement Of Plants In Bathroom

For those who prefer a minimalistic style, keep your bathroom looking sleek and tidy with planters in neutral colors that blend seamlessly into the decor. Place your favorite plants on the windowsill or around the tub to maintain a clean yet lively atmosphere that complements the minimalist vibe.

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