6 Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen

Grow these Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen and enjoy a green alternative to air purification that is also easy to grow!

Breathing fresh air seems to be a boon these days, especially for city dwellers! So, if you wish to improve the air quality of your space, these Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen could be your pick. However, do remember that just one plant won’t help much, so be sure to introduce several of them!

Do You Know Indoor Plants Grow from Seeds as well?

Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen

1. Peace Lily

Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen

Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum spp.

If you want some air-purifying specimen that’ll make a statement with its beauty, Peace Lily should be on your cards. A study performed in test chambers and real offices showed that Peace Lilies can significantly reduce total VOC loads in indoor environments by upto 75%, which, in turn, means more oxygen supply.

The presence of potted plants in offices significantly reduces CO2 and CO levels, especially in spaces without air conditioning. Whereas, in air-conditioned offices, CO2 levels dropped by about 10%, and in naturally ventilated buildings, by about 25%.

Also, it states that an increased number of plants has shown better results. So ensure to fill an average-sized room of about 150-200 sq feet with around 2-3 peace lilies for healthier air circulation.

2. Snake Plant

Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen

Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Undoubtedly, it is one of the sturdiest contenders that also enhances the air quality! Research conducted at Naresuan University in Thailand states that a room with 2 to 5 snake plants saw a remarkable 23-28% reduction in carbon dioxide.

Hence, adding more snake plants to a space can make the air noticeably fresher and cleaner.

3. Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum Plants for Oxygen

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

NASA’s Clean Air Study highlighted this plant’s prowess in not only purifying the air from pollutants but also in boosting oxygen through photosynthesis, especially during daylight hours. Ensure you display plenty of these in a well-ventilated room if you want commendable results.

In fact, these plants are pretty easy to grow or divide, making them an easy choice for busy gardeners.

4. Areca Palm

Beautiful Dypsis lutescens Indoor Plants

Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens

With its tall stature and lush appearance, Areca Palms not only increases oxygen levels but also acts as a natural filter for harmful pollutants such as xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde. Research suggests that these plants reduced TVOCs by a whopping 88.16%, CO2 by 52.33%, and CO by 95.70%.

The experiment methodically advanced from an initial phase with no plants during the initial 1-4 weeks. Then, three plants were introduced for weeks 5-8, followed by six plants for weeks 9-12, culminating in the presence of nine plants for weeks 13-16.

Remarkably, with the increasing number of Areca Palm plants, there was a notable improvement in air quality, with a more pronounced reduction in airborne pollutants.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe barbadensis miller Plants for Oxygen

Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Popular for its soothing gel, Aloe Vera is scientifically proven to be a standout in air purification, absorbing CO2 and reducing humidity by about 2.9% in just 8 hours. If you have a small room, even a single standard-sized aloe can make a difference in the air quality.

Its ability to reduce humidity levels makes it perfect for urban homes or offices.

6. Pothos

Beautiful Pothos vine

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

With increased surface area and easy care requirements, Pothos boasts impressive oxygen-producing capabilities.

In fact, studies reveal that genetically enhanced Pothos plants have a remarkable knack for diminishing harmful substances such as chloroform and benzene in the air. Impressively, these plants can cut down chloroform levels by 82% in just three days and benzene by approximately 75% in eight days when placed in adequate air movement.

Furthermore, the conventional Golden Pothos, especially when nurtured in pot soil, shows a strong ability to cleanse the air, efficiently filtering out toxins like formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.

So it’s good to place around 2-3 healthy pothos in your kitchen or garage where such pollutants tend to accumulate.

Follow these Tips for a Healthy Pothos

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