Grow Pothos Easily With These 8 Ideas

Grow Pothos easily with these ideas and revamp every corner of your home without paying a trip to the nursery!

Whether you are a novice gardener or simply don’t want to invest a lot of time and effort in greenifying your space, these easy-peasy ideas will help you cultivate a mini pothos jungle of your own!

Easy Ways to Grow Pothos

1. Pop the Cuttings in Leca Balls

Grow Pothos Easily With These Ideas

If you’re into clean and minimalist gardening, give LECA balls a shot. These lightweight clay balls are great for air flow and moisture retention, and won’t call for a regular clean-up like water.

Start by giving them a good rinse to get rid of dust. Then soak them in water for 6-8 hours so they are well hydrated. You can also mix a few drops of diluted, liquid fertilizer into the water to meet the plant’s nutrient needs.

Pop some healthy cuttings into a glass of water and fill it up with the soaked leca balls. Finally, add some water about an inch below the top surface to create a mini reservoir at the bottom. Keep an eye on the water level and keep refilling when the plant takes up all the moisture.

2. Get a Pot of Coco Coir

Grow Pothos Easily With These Ideas

Take mini steps towards sustainability by using coco coir as the sole medium for rooting your plant. It’s eco-friendly and perfect for keeping the roots happy without the risk of mold.

Just soak the coir for a few hours, squeeze out the extra water, and plant your cuttings. Spray it with water whenever it seems to dry up, or your pothos seem to throw tantrums. While it isn’t a heavy feeder, a few drops of diluted fish emulsion or fertilizer tea in the medium would actually help it spread its vines around the place.

3. Mix Up Peat Moss, Perlite, and Sand

Grow Pothos Easily With These Ideas

Mix up a batch of peat moss, perlite, and sand for a tried-and-true potting mix. This combo keeps things light and breathable for the roots, while still holding enough moisture.

Grab these ingredients from your local gardening shop, or better yet, see if a gardening buddy has some to spare. Mix these in equal parts and swap your garden mix with this blend for an easy-growing alternative.

4. Don’t Miss Sphagnum Moss!

Grow Pothos Easily

For those who love seeing roots grow, sphagnum moss is something you must try. Moisten the moss, wrap it around the cuttings, especially covering the nodes, and tuck them into a clear bag to create a mini greenhouse. This setup is like a DIY project that lets you watch your pothos take root in real-time.

5. Root the Cuttings in Vermiculite

Grow Pothos Easily

Vermiculite is a lightweight miracle worker for keeping moisture just right. Mix it with a bit of potting soil for that perfect balance of water retention and drainage. It’s especially handy if you tend to overwater.

However, it is not a very good option for the underwatering counterparts as perlite makes the medium really porous and might dry up the rppts if not watered well.

6. Play with Orbeez Balls

Grow Pothos Easily With These Ideas

Those fun water beads you see in floral arrangements or sensory bins can also grow plants! Hydrate some Orbeez, pop them into a clear container, and nestle your pothos cuttings inside. They keep the moisture around perfectly while uplifting your home decor creatively.

7. Try Rooting in Mineral Wool and Pebbles

Grow Pothos in Mineral wool and pebbles

This duo is particularly good if you’re wary of overwatering. Mineral wool is great for hydroponics and can often be found at hydroponic supply stores or online.

Pair it with pebbles from a garden center, or you can also collect some from your yard for more personalized stuff that’ll only make the whole process more joyful for you!

8. Grow Pothis in an Aquarium

Pothos Easily With These Ideas

While this might not be the easiest way out there, what’s gardening if you don’t experiment enough? House both your plants and fishes together by adding pothos directly into the water and suspending the top above it. The plant helps keep the tank clean by absorbing nitrates, while the fish waste feeds the plant. It’s a beautiful cycle that’s both functional and fantastic to look at!

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